Category Archives: Great Immunity

how to prevent getting the flu, how to boost immunity, the truth about flu shots, cut risk of the flu with this critical essential vitamin support supplement

Consider THIS Before Your Next Flu Shot

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

November 20, 2017

  • Getting a flu shot doesn’t prevent you from getting the flu
  • Things to consider before your next flu shot
  • Check out this flu-fighting vitamin

If you’ve been debating on whether to get your flu shot or not, I just want to make one thing clear.

Getting a flu shot does not prevent you from getting the flu.

That’s right. It only protects you against influenza viruses that researchers think will be common during the upcoming flu season. To top it off, the influenza virus is constantly mutating. So it’s nearly impossible to predict its form far enough in advance to create a truly effective vaccine.

As a result, vaccine effectiveness varies greatly from year to year. Continue reading

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Is Plant-Based Always Best?

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

September 18, 2017

  • Are plant-based omega-3 fatty acids the same as those that come from fish?
  • Here’s what flaxseed and Ahiflower® are missing
  • The best source of omega-3s on earth

One of the supplements I recommend everyone take… every single day… is omega-3 fatty acids. Your body doesn’t produce them on its own, and it can’t function without them. So these essential oils have to come from dietary sources.

But surprisingly, choosing an appropriate omega-3 supplement isn’t nearly as cut-and-dried as you might think.

Part of the confusion arises when plant-based products, like flaxseed oil, claim to provide omega-3 benefits. It sounds good in theory, especially if you’re a vegetarian. However, plant-based omega-3s are not interchangeable with those that come from fish oil. Continue reading

healthy eating habits, benefits of healthy diet and exercise, importance of fitness and health foods

2 Secrets Towards Your Healthiest Life

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

September 15, 2017

  • Is life too fast-paced to exercise and eat right?
  • 15 minutes to a healthier you
  • Antioxidant-rich foods that can save your life

If you want to live a longer and healthier life – one without physical and mental deficits as you age – two things are absolutely necessary. And they aren’t a well-kept secret. You’ve heard them many times before…

Get plenty of physical activity and eat a healthy diet.

This is something our ancestors never even thought about. They ate off the land and were physically active from sun-up to sun-down. No trips to the supermarket or jobs sitting at a desk for them!

But in today’s modern and fast-past society, meeting these two goals seems to be a far stretch for many folks. And it’s showing. Continue reading

depression causes, low vitamin levels, low vitamin d effects, symptoms of low vitamins, causes of sicknesses

Is this Deficiency Making You Sick, Old and Depressed?

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

August 18, 2017

  • Correct this deficiency and amazing things can happen
  • Up to 75% of all Americans are D-ficient
  • A strong weapon against aging, illness and death

Some people refer to their bodies as “machines”. But I have to tell you. Keeping your body finely tuned is a great deal more complicated than, say, maintaining a car. You can’t “fix” your body by clearing a pipe, turning a wrench or replacing a hose.

However, there are many things that can help make your body less likely to break down and succumb to age, illness, pain, depression or early death.

Maintaining adequate levels of vitamin D is one of them. For example patients with low vitamin D levels…. Continue reading

high blood sugar, effects of high blood sugar, diabetes, what causes diabetes, how to fight diabetes

Diabetic Gut? Not Just Sugar

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

July 24, 2017

  • Diabetes may be a gut problem
  • Foods that contribute to diabetic gut
  • Gut and metabolism friendly foods

Here’s something that will startle you.

Fifty years ago, only about three million people here in the U.S. had diabetes.

But today more than 29 million are afflicted with the disease. That’s almost a 900% increase! This doesn’t even include the 89 million people who are prediabetic.

This is a horrible epidemic. And it’s no coincidence diabetes rates continue to skyrocket as more and more chemicals, processed foods and altered ingredients end up in our food supply. Continue reading

causes of fatigue, how to combat tired, weakness, b12 deficiency

Why You’re Vitamin B12 Deficient & Why it Matters

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

May 26, 2017

  • Why you’re probably deficient of this vital nutrient
  • 3 common meds that drain B12 from your body
  • Boost your levels with this dual-delivery pathway

Vitamin B12 deficiency isn’t something we should have to deal with here in the U.S. Still, it’s become a pretty big problem – even among people who get plenty of vitamin B12 in their diets.

That’s right. Even if you eat a lot of vitamin B12 rich foods you could be deficient. In fact, you could be low on this nutrient even if take a B12 supplement or multivitamin.

That’s because the large majority of B12 insufficiency isn’t because it’s not readily available in our diets. Rather, somewhere around 60% of deficiencies are a result of malabsorption issues. Continue reading

Dental care, oral hygiene, dental health, prevent gum disease and gingivitus

Save Your Teeth, Save Your Life

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

March 6, 2017

  • The amazing nutrient that heals gum disease
  • Poor dental health linked to poor physical health
  • Save your teeth, save your life

Back in the 1970’s, scientists made a groundbreaking discovery.

They found that the majority of people suffering from gingivitis and periodontal disease had extremely low blood levels of a specific nutrient.

But guess what happened when patients with gingival pockets, swelling, pain, bleeding and loose teeth caused by gum disease took 50 mg of this nutrient each day?

In just three weeks all of them showed improvement in the condition of their gums. In fact, the results were equivalent to 6 months of regular dental care… but occurred in less than a single month!

Over the years, the use of this nutrient in dental health has practically vanished. That’s a great injustice to anyone who suffers from gum disease. Worse, it may be damaging much more than your dental health.

Continue reading

prescription meds, what medications are ok to keep after expiring, natural remedies for all ailments, pain relivers, antihistamines, antacids

Stop! Toss These 6 Items From Your Medicine Chest

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

February 8, 2017

  • What’s hiding in your medicine cabinet?
  • Six medications that belong in the trash
  • And seven natural remedies for what ails you

I’ll bet you have a cabinet in your kitchen or bathroom that contains a cure for every ill.

That’s where you stash the pain relievers, antacids and prescription drugs that you use most often. There’s probably Nyquil or Robitussin left over from the last time you had a cold, and maybe an antihistamine for sinus problems.

You might even have a few outdated prescription drugs hiding in there… the ones you’ve saved “just in case you need them”.

We love knowing we may have a solution for literally everything right at our fingertips.

But are these over-the-counter and prescription drugs the answer to what ails you? Continue reading

black coffee is healthier without dairy or milk, benefits of non-dairy diet, is dairy bad for you?, effects of eating dairy, how will health be affected by eating dairy

Seniors: Don’t Put This In Your Coffee

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

February 3, 2017

  • Never top off your coffee, tea or fruit with this
  • Dairy robs foods and beverages of their antioxidant content
  • There’s a better kind of milk for your coffee and tea

A little milk in your coffee or tea… a cup of hot cocoa topped with whipped cream… strawberries and yogurt… blueberries and cream.

Some things just seem to go together. Or not.

While these food combinations are a treat for your taste buds, adding dairy products to these otherwise healthy foods destroys their antioxidant benefit. Continue reading

benefits of cranberries, cranberry juice, what do cranberries help with

Eat this Little Red Berry for Your Heart

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

November 16, 2016

  • The little red berries are good for your heart
  • Give your immune system a boost
  • What about urinary tract infections?

There’s one Thanksgiving Day food that completely dumbfounds me. It’s that wobbly mass of cranberry sauce that comes out of a can…. completely intact with the ridges still on it.For some reason, folks love the stuff. Maybe it’s because of the sugar rush they get when they eat it. After all, a single serving of the most popular cranberry sauce here in the U.S. has enough high fructose corn syrup in it to fulfill your daily sugar intake.

At the same time, it has no nutritional value whatsoever.

This is a shame, because cranberries are ultimately a very healthy food.

This is especially true when it comes to your heart health. And it’s not just because cranberries can improve your LDL and HDL levels. There’s another factor that’s much more important. Continue reading