Category Archives: Heart Health

A Simple Heart Attack Test All Women Should Know

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

December 16, 2019

Do you know where the word “hysterical” comes from?

Well, it’s actually from the Greek word hystera — which means uterus. So, anyone who is labeled hysterical is basically being blamed for having a uterus.

I’m sure some of you women are feeling a little angry after reading that.

And I don’t blame you. Continue reading

A heart health concept - red heart plate,

Real Heart Protection… Without Drugs!

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

October 25, 2019

I’m not what you’d call a prescription “pill popper.”

Maybe you are. And, your doctor has ordered a whole cabinet-full of prescription medications to help protect your heart.

In my opinion, people put too much faith in the power of prescription drugs these days. It’s a big mistake actually.

Why? Well, pharmaceutical drugs don’t do anything to boost your heart health. Continue reading

LDL, HDL, cholesterol and saturated fats effects on heart, health risk, heart health

Your #1 Measure of Heart Health

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

October 7, 2019

We used to think saturated fats were heart-stopping killers.

But for years now, we’ve known this isn’t true.

In fact, saturated fats don’t increase your risk of heart disease, stroke, cardiovascular disease, diabetes or death.

Yes, read that sentence again… Continue reading

espresso, coffee, pros and cons of coffee, heart health and coffee

Coffee: Medicine or Poison?

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

August 30, 2019

Have you ever been surprised by a friend who orders a double espresso after an evening meal?

Maybe you remarked, “Wow, isn’t that going to keep you awake?”

But your friend just shrugs his shoulders. “It doesn’t affect me,” he says. “I can go right to sleep.”

As it turns out, some people really aren’t affected strongly by caffeine. These folks are called “fast metabolizers” and — for them — coffee can actually work like a medicine in their bodies.

But for other folks – those slow metabolizers – coffee is like a poison. Continue reading

heart health, beetroot juice

Super Juice for Your Heart, Brain and Joints

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

August 7, 2019

I had an 87-year-old patient who once gave me his recipe for a drink he called “Blood.”

Now, before you get too grossed out, let me explain…

Yes, his bright red juice looked a lot like blood. But this name was appropriate for another reason. Continue reading

Arteriosclerosis, Atherosclerosis, what causes clogged arteries, heart health, heart disease causes, clogged arteries, what stops blow flow, what improves blood flow, poor circulation

5 Warning Signs Your Arteries are Clogging

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

July 29, 2019

My father, brothers, and uncles all suffered from heart attacks. They also all had one strange physical sign – creased earlobes!

Believe it or not, this is a warning sign that your arteries may be at increased risk for clogging – and there are well over 50 studies to prove it. (Look for a crease that runs diagonally from  the top of your earlobe to the lower edge of your earlobe.)

Earlobe creases form because of weakened then folded collagen in your ears. It’s also a sign of weakened collagen elsewhere…especially in your arteries. Once this symptom appears, it’s really important for you to take note. Continue reading

Statins: Good Medicine or Multibillion Dollar Swindle?

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

July 19, 2019

I am annoyed at headlines that shout about how so many more people could “benefit from taking statins”…that it should be put in the water supply even.

Even worse, are the ones that declare doctors are falling down on the jobs by not prescribing more of them. “Physicians fail to offer statins to more than half of eligible patients,” screams one headline.

I am equally disenchanted by the number of patients who THINK they should be taking a statin drug to get rid of all of their “bad” cholesterol.

In fact, ask anybody you know what they think the biggest threat to their heart is. I’ll bet almost every single one of them will say high cholesterol. Continue reading

Despite the Headlines, Eggs Still don’t Cause Heart Disease

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

May 24, 2019

The dust has finally settled. People around the U.S. are enjoying eggs in their diets again. Everyone is happy.

Or so I thought.

Then BOOM! The hammer came down. Continue reading

Finally! The American Heart Association Agrees with Me

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

April 12, 2019

For decades I’ve warned my patients and readers against the use of low-dose aspirin for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. And today, the American College or Cardiology and the American Heart Association are closer than ever to agreeing with me.

Just last month they just released their latest guidelines on the prevention of cardiovascular disease. And I am happy to see their latest stance on low-dose aspirin is much more in alignment with my own.

In their own words, “Aspirin should be used infrequently in the routine primary prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease because of lack of net benefit”. They also admit that the bleeding risks associated with aspirin may outweigh the benefits.

This has been long in the coming. In the meantime, a lot of damage has been done. Continue reading

Forget Cholesterol. Check this Instead!

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

February 27, 2019

In the February 22, 2019 issue of Advanced Natural Wellness I mentioned four heart risk factors that patients are most curious about. These included cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure and homocysteine levels.

Since then I’ve received several emails, all asking the same question:

“What the heck is homocysteine?”

If you’re not familiar with this amino acid, I’m here to tell you… Continue reading