Category Archives: Men’s Health

Forget Testosterone Therapy. This is Better.

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

April 17, 2019

I don’t think a single week goes by without two or three male patients asking me to write them a prescription for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).

And I have to admit. The commercials for male hormone replacement are tantalizing.

They dazzle the viewer with images of male strength, virility, lean muscle and attractive women.

Even I want to be THAT GUY! Continue reading

At Risk for Prostate Cancer? Don’t Castrate Yourself Just Yet.

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

April 5, 2019

Unless I have a male patient who is at high risk of prostate cancer, I don’t recommend PSA testing.

First and foremost, PSA is not a test for prostate cancer. It doesn’t say “Yes, you have it.” It doesn’t say “No, you don’t have it.”

All the test can do is measure levels of prostate-specific antigen a protein made by the prostate gland. And there are any number of non-cancerous reasons you might have high PSA levels. Continue reading

Male Menopause

Male Menopause: Myth or Reality?

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

October 15, 2018

  • The difference between low testosterone and male menopause
  • Is low T a lifestyle choice?
  • Grab control of the hormone that makes you manly

There’s a good reason guys are so crazy about girls when they’re in their teens and twenties. At these ages, testosterone levels are practically raging out of control. But once you hit 30, levels begin to drop by as much as 2% each year.

This makes male menopause a very real threat to aging men. (You might also hear this condition referred to as andropause or hypogonadism.)

But these days, I notice more and more guys in their 30s and 40s coming into my office with symptoms of andropause. They complain that their libido is on permanent vacation. They can’t keep the action going in the bedroom. Their energy levels are low and they’re moodier than they’ve ever been in their life.

This clearly isn’t a result of age-related testosterone loss. So what could be behind this anomaly? Continue reading

MEN: Did You Know PSA Doesn’t Actually Test for Cancer?

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

October 1, 2018

  • The PSA controversy and what you must know
  • PSA doesn’t actually test for cancer
  • Eat your way to a healthy prostate

The never-ending debate over the virtues of PSA screenings is enough to make any man crazy.

For years and years it was considered the most important test for men’s health. In fact, if you’re in your 50s or 60s I’ll bet you’ve undergone numerous PSA screenings.

But over time, controversy struck. Analysts, scientists, researchers and other experts discovered a problem with PSA testing. Continue reading

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Is “The Dribble” Causing Problems in the Bedroom?

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

August 22, 2018

  • Are prostate problems destroying your bedroom fun?
  • Why your prostate starts growing after age 40
  • Get rid of the “dribble” and get back in the bedroom

When men think of prostate problems, they immediately think of urinary difficulties.

After all, that’s what we all hear about… dribbling over the toilet in the middle of the night. Road trips postponed… and ball games cut short because of the “urge to go.”

But there’s another side of the story that is equally disturbing: Continue reading

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7 Health Conditions Related to Low T

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

May 7, 2018

  • Low T: More than a problem in the bedroom
  • The problem with testosterone replacement therapy
  • 4 herbs to boost testosterone levels

If you suffer from low testosterone, it could be affecting much more than your performance in the bedroom. Low T is associated with energy loss, decreased muscle mass, mood swings and all sorts of other things that can make any man feel miserable.

To make matters even worse, testosterone deficiency may also contribute to the development of many chronic medical conditions – sometimes multiple chronic health conditions – in men 20 years of age and older. This is especially true if you’re between 20 and 40 years of age, or over 60.

In particular, your blood pressure, triglycerides and risk of cardiovascular disease all go up with low T. Your chances of arthritis, diabetes, stroke and depression also rise. And the probability that you will experience two or more of these health problems at the same time goes up considerably.

Considering that about one out of ever four men over 30 is estimated to have low testosterone levels, this is extremely alarming news.

But prior to taking any drastic measures – such as opting for testosterone replacement therapy – let me fill you in on a few things you should know about first. Continue reading

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Simple Trick to Boost Male Virility

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

January 12, 2018

  • The problem with the little blue pill
  • Men: Rediscover your inner stallion
  • One more trick to get your mojo back

Okay folks. A generic version of the “little blue pill” is now available for about half the price of the branded version. I’m sure many men are very excited about this prospect.

I’m not one of them.

All this does is make my job harder. That’s because erectile difficulties are not something to be trifled with. And no matter how easy it sounds to boost your performance with a pill, it won’t do anything to “fix” your potency issues. Continue reading

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Men: 7 Foods to Get Your Urine Flowing Again

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

July 3, 2017

  • Do prostate problems have you dribbling over the toilet?
  • It’s all about hormones and inflammation
  • 7 foods to shrink your prostate and get your urine flowing again

When you’re up and down all night long with the urgent need to pee… when your bladder never feels empty… when you groan and strain to urinate and end up with nothing more than a tiny dribble…

That’s when you know you’re having prostate problems. There’s no doubt about it.

The mechanical explanation is pretty simple. Continue reading

low t count, low testoesterone, free testosterone, hormone replacement therapy, increase t count

Men: What To Know About Testosterone Therapy

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

February 20, 2017

  • Are you suffering from low T?
  • Why hormone replacement therapy isn’t your best option
  • Here’s how to put the tiger back into your tank

If you’re running low on testosterone, you probably feel like your “get up and go got up and went” – in more ways than one!

Not only is it likely that your bedroom activities are failing, but you may also be experiencing feelings of aimlessness, loss of energy and a general dissatisfaction with life. Tack on an expanding waistline, decreased muscle mass and the development of breast tissue… Well, any man would feel miserable.

This makes the idea of turning to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) very appealing. In fact the appeal is so great that, over a single decade, testosterone prescriptions here in the U.S. increased 10 times over.

Believe me, I get it. Watch the commercials and it’s easy to imagine that after a month or two of treatment you’ll be the talk of the town – energetic, sexy and healthier looking than you’ve been in years.

But before you turn to synthetic testosterone treatments in an effort to put the tiger back in your tank, there are a few things you should be aware of. Continue reading

hair loss in men, dht, effects on prostate

Hair Loss and Prostate Problems Go Hand-in-Hand

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

June 15, 2016

•    It’s not testosterone that causes men to go bald
•    Hair loss and prostate problems go hand-in-hand
•    What’s good for your prostate is good for your hair

One of the most frustrating aspects of male aging is hair loss. And this is a problem that doesn’t wait for old age. In fact, about two-thirds of men between the ages of 30 and 50 are already experiencing male pattern hair loss. Some are even younger.

Now, when men come into my office with this condition, there are several common misconceptions.

Some have heard that that clogged hair follicles are to blame. Others have heard just the opposite, that regular shampooing causes their hair to fall out. (If either of these were true, you could grow new hair just by washing your hair more or less often!) Continue reading