Tag Archives: how to get off prescription drugs

URGENT: When RX is more Dangerous than Disease!

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

March 27, 2019

When new patients come into my clinic they’re often loaded down with a bag full of prescription drugs. This includes all sorts of meds… statins, blood thinners, anti-diabetics, antidepressants and so much more.

And when I start digging I usually find that it all started with one prescription.

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For example, I find that patients taking statins often end up on diabetic medications in the short-term. (In most cases, they are pretty sure their doctor never explained to them that statin users have about a 38% higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes.)

At the same time, diabetic drugs like metformin can cause a great deal of gastrointestinal distress. This includes heartburn, stomach pain, nausea, gas, and diarrhea or constipation. Some physicians may adjust or switch out the medication. But many of them will just add an antacid or a proton pump inhibitor like Prilosec or Nexium to offset the symptoms. Continue reading