By David Blyweiss, M.D.
Prostate problems and erection trouble used to be “old men’s worries.” But the number of young men developing these problems – and failing to perform in the bedroom – is growing at an alarming rate.
And that’s not all…
- Boys are being born with smaller penises.1
- Up to 50% of men today are developing breasts. Breast reduction surgery in men shot up 13,155% in just 5 years!
- Testosterone is the hormone that defines you as a man. But the average testosterone level in men recently dropped 15% in just 15 years.
What’s going on here? What’s causing this feminization epidemic? And what can you do to keep yourself from turning into a woman?
The problem is “xenoestrogens.” These chemicals act like the female hormone, estrogen. They build up in your system over time. Eventually, they can turn even the most virile man into a wimp.
Fortunately, you can get your male mojo back – and it’s remarkably easy. But before I show you how, let’s look at just how bad this problem really is.
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Thanks to the chemical industry, xenoestrogens are everywhere.
Do you spray your lawn for bugs? You’ve been exposed. Do you drink bottled water? Exposed. Do you use shampoo, lotion, gel, or any other personal care products? Exposed. Do you eat food that comes in cans or plastic packaging? Exposed.
And here’s what makes this problem even worse:
As you age, your testosterone levels begin to drop. So these estrogen mimics throw your hormones completely out of balance. And they trigger a vicious cycle.
Estrogen stimulates your body to store fat – especially dangerous belly fat. And fat triggers increased estrogen production. Which causes you to pack on even more fat. Which triggers even more estrogen. And so on.
Now you’re caught in a downward spiral… your dwindling stores of testosterone are overwhelmed… and you wind up more woman than man.
You can try to avoid xenoestrogens. But it isn’t easy, because you’re surrounded by them.
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- Parabens are chemicals with proven estrogen-like activity. You’ll find them in thousands of personal care products.2 Animal studies show parabens can lower sperm counts and testosterone levels.3
- Many common pesticides act like estrogen in your body, too. Yard care companies and farms dump thousands of tons of them on lawns and crops every year. Including on most of the produce you buy at the supermarket.4
- Estrogenic phthalates are used in countless millions of plastic water bottles and food packages. These chemicals leach into the food and water… and then wind up in your body.5 Contamination with one phthalate – BPA – is so widespread, it’s been found in 95% of the people tested!6
Certain natural substances can help halt the feminization of your body. These estrogen fighters promote a normal hormone balance, so you can look and feel more like a real man again. For example:
- CHRYSIN promotes lower levels of estrogen, higher levels of testosterone7 and may even give your libido a boost.8
- RESVERATROL prevents estrogen from binding to estrogen receptors and blocks estrogen formation.9, 10
- ZINC is critical for prostate health, stimulates testosterone production and helps keep your body from converting testosterone into estrogen.11
- ALPHA LIPOIC ACID enhances your liver’s ability to corral and remove excess estrogen.
All these nutrients can boost your masculinity. You can finally lose those stubborn love handles… rebuild lost muscle… sleep through the night… and enjoy a satisfying sex life again.
1 Barrett JR. Phthalates and Baby Boys: Potential Disruption of Human Genital Development. Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 113, Number 8, August 2005.
2 Wozniak M and Murias M. Xenoestrogens: endocrine disrupting compounds. Ginekol Pol. 2008 Nov;79(11):785-90.
3 See
4 Soto AM, et al. The Pesticides Endosulfan, Toxaphene, and Dieldrin Have Estrogenic Effects on Human Estrogen-Sensitive Cells. Environmental Health Perspectives, Volume 102, Number 4, April 1994.
5 Schettler T. Human exposure to phthalates via consumer products. International Journal of Andrology, Volume 29, Issue 1, pages 134–139, February 2006.
6 Wolstenholme JT, et al. The role of Bisphenol A in shaping the brain, epigenome and behavior. Horm Behav. 2010 Oct 26.
7 Kellis JT Jr and Vickery LE. Inhibition of human estrogen synthetase (aromatase) by flavones. Science, Vol 225, Issue 4666, 1032-1034.
8 Dhawan K, et al. Beneficial effects of chrysin and benzoflavone on virility in 2-year-old male rats. J Med Food. 2002 Spring;5(1):43-8.
9 Gehm BD, et al. Resveratrol, a polyphenolic compound found in grapes and wine, is an agonist for the estrogen receptor. PNAS December 9, 1997 vol. 94 no. 25 14138-14143.
10 Zhi-Hua Chen, et al. Resveratrol inhibits TCDD-induced expression of CYP1A1 and CYP1B1 and catechol estrogen-mediated oxidative DNA damage in cultured human mammary epithelial cells. Carcinogenesis 2004 25(10):2005-2013.
11 Ae-Son OM and Kyung-Won Chung. Dietary Zinc Deficiency Alters 5-Reduction and Aromatization of Testosterone and Androgen and Estrogen Receptors in Rat Liver. J. Nutr., Apr 1996; 126: 842-848