Possibly the Biggest Men’s Health Breakthrough in 30 Years

By David Blyweiss, M.D.

By the time you’re 60 years of age, odds are 2 to 1 that you’ll have problems with your prostate. That’s what the studies say.

If you’re a man, say, under the age of 50, your prostate gland is probably becoming inflamed or irritated. You’ll know this by a burning feeling when you urinate.  Or the feeling that you need to urinate more often. You also may have a fever or just feel tired all over.

If you’re over 50, you’re most likely dealing with an enlarged prostate. With an enlarged prostate, things get a bit trickier. And much more intrusive on your life if you choose to do nothing about it.
Symptoms of an enlarged prostate include:

  • significant decline in sexual activity and satisfaction.
  • trouble starting a urine stream.
  • a weak stream of urine.
  • and leaking or dribbling urine.

Fortunately, study after study proves that nutritional supplementation is a safe, effective way to avoid, reduce, or eliminate the symptoms of age-related prostate growth.  But some supplements are quite a bit more effective than others.  You’ll want to make sure you know what you’re getting before you buy something from your local health food store.

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Reap The Benefits Of This Powerful New Technology

The International Journal of Immunopharmacol in 1996, published a study showing Beta-Sitosterol (a plant sterol) to be safe and highly effective in improving prostate symptoms that cause a decline in libido and normal urinary functions.  There are many other studies too.

In nearly every case, improvement occurred within the first two weeks.  And they continued for the duration of the study without any relevant side effects.
When doctors at the Veterans Administration in Minneapolis compared Beta-Sitosterol to a host of other prostate supplements, they concluded it shows “the greatest efficacy amongst phytotherapeutical substances.”  In plain English that means it beats every prostate enhancement treatment they examined in 30 years of research.

Additional classic, double-blind studies were conducted at the University of Rome and the University of Dresden, Germany, as well as other top research centers throughout the world. These studies also demonstrated amazing effects of Beta-Sitosterol on an enlarged prostate.

How It Works

Testosterone is the principle male sex hormone, and is directly attributable to a man’s mental and physical energy and his ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

The World's Quickest Solution for Ending Prostate and Urinary Misery

This has recently been revealed to be one of the only real breakthroughs in prostate health.

The seeds of a strange fruit (sometimes called "Chinese Apples") hold powerful phytonutrients that are a revolution in prostate health.

In fact, UCLA and Veterans Administration research have now proved this to be true.

Not only that, but it may be the worlds quickest solution for ending prostate misery.

Simply stated, these phytonutrients represent a huge step beyond beta sitosterol, saw palmetto, and other phytosterols alone.

Simply click HERE if you want to have fast prostate relief...restful, uninterrupted sleep...no more constant "urges to go"...enhanced virility...and optimal prostate support for life.

As a man ages, testosterone is increasingly converted to its dihydrotestosterone (DHT) form. A high production of DHT is normal from puberty to the early 20s, when a man is most sexually active. In an adult, however, increased production of DHT results in an enlarged prostate.

Beta-Sitosterol helps protect the prostate gland against age-related growth by naturally impeding the conversion of testosterone to DHT.

How Much Should You Take?

Thousands of men recognize the benefit of taking Beta-Sitosterol. But there’s something many aren’t aware of: You need 600 mg of Beta-Sitosterol a day for it to be its most effective in supporting a healthy prostate.

Many men use Saw Palmetto, an extract of the fruit of Serenoa repens, for its Beta-Sitosterol content. In fact, And Saw Palmetto is considered the standard for supporting a healthy male prostate. There’s only one problem. Saw Palmetto berries contain only a mere one part in three thousand of the Beta-Sitosterol complex.

That means you have to eat about two pounds of Saw Palmetto berries to get 600 mg of Beta-Sitosterol. Even with the most expensive 10:1 extracts of these herbs, you would still have to take about three hundred and seventy-five 500 mg tablets a day!

A More Efficient Way to Take Beta-Sitosterol  

A powerful new technology delivers Beta-Sitosterol to your cells in the quantity you need in a more efficient way. It uses a Black Pepper Extract carrier that makes it easier for your body to absorb the Beta-Sitosterol and reap its full benefits.

This technology is used in a prostate support formula called Pros-Terol. And not only does Pros-Terol include Beta-Sitosterol, it also includes 14 other nutrients that support normal prostate function, such as pumpkin seed extract, zinc, and quercetin. And the carrier enhances the bioavailability of each nutrient, allowing each one to be efficiently absorbed and utilized in the body for maximum benefit.

Used separately, all of the ingredients in Pros-TEROL have undergone rigorous testing and have been found to be both safe and effective in helping to relieve the pain and effects of an enlarged prostate.

Don’t leave the health of your prostate to chance. I urge you to try Pros-Terol. This unique formula gives you a daily dose of Beta-Sitosterol and other safe nutrients that can help you avoid, ease, and maybe even reverse symptoms of an enlarged prostate, such as an overactive bladder, in as little as two weeks.


  • Bouic PF, et al. International Journal of Immunopharmacology. 1996; 18: 693- 700.
  • Wilt TJ, et al. British Journal Of Urology. 1999; 83: 976- 83.
  • DiSilverio F, et al. Prostate. 1998; 37: 77- 83.
  • Klippel KF, et al. British Journal of Urology. 1997; 80: 427- 732.
  • Lowe FE, et al. Prostate. 1998; 37: 187- 93.
  • Shoba G, et al. Planta Medica. 1998; 64: 353- 6, Badmaev V, et al. Nutrition Research. 1999; 19: 381-