Truth is on Trial

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

March 19, 2012

  • The landmark case between the FTC and POM Wonderful unfolds
  • Why this ancient food became a new fad
  • The science you need to know

On March 6th, David stood up to Goliath. And there’s a lot at stake, for all of us.

I’m referring to the unfolding landmark case between the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and pomegranate producer, POM Wonderful. This time, the FDA is standing back and letting the FTC do the dirty work.

The FTC says POM Wonderful has made false health claims about their product. Meanwhile, POM says they “fundamentally disagree” with the FTC. They contend they are simply communicating the promising results of scientific studies about their product.

This is, indeed, a fundamental disagreement. Pomegranate is the most recent food in the crosshairs. But it is neither the first, nor the last. This upcoming trial is part of a much greater ideological struggle. One that affects the health and welfare of everyone in the country.

Our policies are based on the belief that only manmade pharmaceuticals can treat and heal disease. They barely acknowledge that food, herbs and naturally occurring nutrients have a role in keeping the body healthy. And they refuse to entertain the idea that they can effectively treat or cure disease.

Standing in the middle of these two points of view is science. A lot of it. With more on the way. Which is what makes this case so interesting, and so important…

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Pomegranate is hardly a new fad food. If anything, it’s being rediscovered. This strange red fruit has played a starring role in religious lore, mythology, and traditional medicine for centuries. Since long before there were scientific studies piled up to prove its healing properties.

Ancient Egyptians considered the pomegranate a symbol of prosperity and abundance. The ancient Greeks referred to it as the “fruit of the dead.” And it was the symbol of fertility in ancient Persian culture.

Still today, it is a tradition in Greece to break a pomegranate on the ground at weddings and on New Years Day. On Rosh Hashanah – the Jewish New Year – the many seeds of the pomegranate symbolize fruitfulness in the year ahead. Some Jewish scholars even believe the pomegranate was the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden, rather than the apple.

Today in the US, the pomegranate is experiencing a dramatic leap in popularity. And science is quickly backing up what the ancients seemed to already know.

Pomegranate has a higher concentration of antioxidants and bioflavonoids than any other fruit – even grapes, cherries and blueberries.

Every part of the fruit contains a health benefit – the skin, the seeds, the juice. As processing and extraction methods improve, we are better able to access the pomegranate’s health and healing properties.

You already know how important antioxidants are to your health. Imagine that potential, magnified, and you start to see what everyone is so excited about.

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Studies have shown that pomegranate:

  • Lowers levels of LDL or “bad” cholesterol and prevents the arteries from hardening
  • Can act a lot like aspirin, keeping blood platelets from sticking together and forming dangerous blood clots
  • Buffers the effects of free radical damage and protects the cells from oxidation
  • Lowers blood glucose levels in diabetic rats, and potentially, in humans as well
  • Is a natural anti-inflammatory
  • Reduces and even kills cancer cells, particularly in prostate and breast cancers

One website lists over 300 studies that have been performed using pomegranate, and there are over 18 clinical trials underway.

In fact, POM Wonderful alone had dedicated over $35 million to support scientific, peer-reviewed pomegranate studies.

Granted, research moves at glacial speeds. There are many more studies needed before we’ll know the best treatment approaches using pomegranate. Here’s what we know: there’s a tremendous benefit to the juice and extract of pomegranate. And unlike drugs, there are very few side effects.

So far, the science is incredibly promising. But apparently, it’s also incredibly threatening…

There’s an interesting twist to this case. Not only did POM Wonderful not back down or acquiesce, they launched a few lawsuits of their own.

First, they challenged a ruling the FTC has made requiring two clinical trials to back up any health claims for natural products. Then, they filed suits against rival juice makers, Tropicana, Welch Foods and Ocean Spray.

They claim the competition is riding the pomegranate popularity wave on their labels, but not in their product. They claim the amounts of pomegranate are too low to have any real health benefit. But because of labeling restrictions and misrepresentations, there is no way for the consumer to make an informed choice.

And that’s what’s really at stake. Your right to make informed choices about your health.

That’s why all eyes are on this case.

The ruling will set a precedent by which other foods and supplements will also follow. One pomegranate producer, for example, lists over 300 independent studies on its website so consumers can become more educated.

Depending on how the FTC rules in this case, pages like that might need to be deleted. Leaving you to do all the legwork yourself.

It’s already hard enough to keep up with the science behind natural products.

That’s why, this week in Advanced Natural Wellness, we’re going to take a small stand for science and making informed choices.

The mainstream news is undoubtedly going to have a field day following this case. However it turns out, I thought you might appreciate a little primer in pomegranate.

First, I’ll discuss what the pomegranate can do for your prostate. Next, we’ll look at the anti-aging potential of the pomegranate. Plus, I’ll make a few recommendations on including pomegranate in your own diet and supplement regimen.

And watch in future issues as I update you on how the case unfolds.

So, stay tuned…