Seven Tips for Preventing a Summer Cold

August 06, 2012

By David Blyweiss, M.D.

In This Issue:

  • Why summer colds hit harder and last longer
  • 7 uniquely summertime approaches to preventing a summer cold
  • A couple tips for treating a summer cold if it hits

It never fails. You are finally packed and ready to head off to your summer vacation, when… a-choo…a-choo! A summer cold strikes.

Unfortunately, there’s no law saying colds will only dock you in the winter months. In fact, summer colds can be worse and even last longer than winter colds.

First, they’re often confused with allergies when they first hit. So you may not take care of them properly. You figure they’ll subside when the offending plant stops blooming.

Second, we tend to burn the candle at both ends enjoying our summer fun.

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Most of us have more social engagements in the summer, are more active during the longer days, and often sacrifice sleep. As a result, when a summer cold hits, it hits a slightly weaker immune system.

And last, we are less likely to surrender to our bed, with chicken soup and extra blankets – and miss out on the summer fun we look forward to all year! So it can take longer to beat a summer cold, once it hits.

In this issue, I’ve assembled my top 7 tips for preventing a summer cold. You still have plenty of time left to start taking some precautions. Plus, I’ve thrown in two tips for treating a summer cold, in case it shows up despite your best efforts.

Tip #1: Stay Hydrated
One of the most common contributors to summer sickness is dehydration.

If you spend a lot of time in air conditioning, your mucous membranes dry out. And if you’re spending a lot of time in the heat, you’re sweating more. Either way, you need to increase your fluid intake. Water is fine, but coconut water or other beverages with additional electrolytes (but no added sugar!) are even better. And eating fruits that have high water content, such as watermelon, can also help.

Tip #2: The Less Conditioned the Air, The Better
While air conditioners themselves don’t cause colds and virus any more than heaters do in the winter, they can create the conditions for colds to flourish. Namely, they recycle air, which gives viruses a chance to flourish and spread. Also, they remove moisture from the air, causing dryness.

Your mucous membranes are your first line of protection against the pathogens that cause colds and flu – when they are dry you are vulnerable and the chances of cracks in the integrity of the membrane allowing viruses to get through is increased.

And finally, extreme changes in temperature make your body work harder, creating a chink in your immune system armor.

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Tip #3: Increase Your Vitamin C and Vitamin D Intake
These two vitamins are the front gates of your immune system.

Don’t assume the fresh fruits and vegetables you’re eating, or the extra sun you’re getting, are enough. Still give your body a little extra by supplementing to ensure you’re getting the maximum amounts of each. For vitamin C that would be @5,000 mg./day in divided doses and for vitamin D it’s 5,000 IU.daily. Assess your diet and sun exposure, and then supplement accordingly.

Figure an orange contains 45 mg of vitamin C, and it takes a lifeguard all day in the sun to get a full 20,000 IU of vitamin D. So, an orange and 15 minutes sun exposure is certainly not going to cut it!

Tip #4: Enjoy a Slower Summer Pace
If you’re enjoying a more active summer, great. But don’t forget the importance of getting enough rest to keep up your immune system.

You see, the heat slows us down naturally. While most people just crank up the air conditioning and keep going, consider that Mother Nature may have intended for us to slow down a bit. Pay attention to your body’s natural urges. Rest when you feel sleepy instead of downing a cup of caffeine and forging ahead.

Tip #5: Take Advantage of Bountiful Summer Fruits and Veggies
There’s no better time of year to eat healthy than the summertime when fresh fruits and vegetables are available in abundance. Be sure to eat a wide variety, try new items, and eat as much locally-grown organic fruits and veggies as possible. Summer is also a good time to freeze and store fresh veggies for the long winter months when less is available.

Tip #6: Ginger Every Day Keeps the Doctor Away
The Chinese version of “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” is “ginger in the summer and turnip in the winter” to fight off colds and flu. Ginger is a healing root that fights inflammation, stimulates circulation and fights internal infection.

Adding ginger to foods or sipping in tea is a good idea to both prevent and treat summer colds.

Tip #7: Garlic In Every Season
You may not be up for a big meal with lots of garlic and onions, like you would in the winter. But you can still take advantage of the healing properties of garlic in summer foods.

Try cold soups such as gazpacho, or garlic-based dips for veggies. You can also take garlic supplements in summer months if you aren’t cooking with it but still want the immune system boost. Since summer colds are often accompanied by enterovirus, a virus in the gastrointestinal tract, having garlic in your summer routine is important.

Let’s say the worst happens. You get the dreaded summer cold. There are a couple of things you can do to get better faster:

Make Herbal Tea – emphasis on the herbs
Many of the herbs that are known for preventing or alleviating a cold also happen to make tasty summer teas. Or, if not tasty (Echinacea is always pretty much terrible tasting), you can at least cover up the taste of some with others in the blend.

Most of the herbs on this list are available as either dried herbs or tinctures, and they can be combined for flavor and potency into a tea combination and enjoyed either iced or hot. They are: angelica, echinacea, eucalyptus, chamomile, goldenrod, goldenseal, licorice, peppermint, Siberian ginseng, wild yam, yarrow, meadowsweet, elderberry, lemon balm and fennel.

Gargle with Turmeric
You may think of turmeric for inflammation – especially if you suffer from arthritis. But a mixture of 1 teaspoon turmeric, a few shakes of sea salt, and an 8 oz. glass of water as a gargle can be a great relief for the summertime cold. It is a powerful antiseptic, and can limit the duration and severity of the cold if used right away from the appearance of the first symptom, and continued several times a day until symptoms subside.

Remember, self-care in the summer months is just as important as it is in the winter.

Maintaining a healthy diet, exercising, and getting enough sleep – even during summer travel and vacations – will boost your immune system and keep you healthy. And modifying your winter cold remedies for the summer months will get you back into the summertime swing of sun and fun fast.