By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness
March 18, 2013
- Real Life Weight Loss isn’t Like the Biggest Loser
- 5 Ways to Drop Pounds Quickly
- Motivation that REALLY Works
Real life isn’t like The Biggest Loser. Most people who are overweight don’t have the luxury of going off to a weight-loss camp for months at a time. Nor do they have experienced trainers, medics and nutritionists at their beck and call 24-hours a day.
And chances are pretty good you aren’t going to be offered $100,000 to $250,000 to get into shape.
Fact is, when it comes to weight loss most folks are on their own. And it’s not always easy.
One of the biggest mistakes I see over and over again, is the concept of dieting. People are always asking me which diet is the best. In fact, just the other day someone asked me about the “grapefruit” diet.
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The way it was explained to me, you can eat about 800 calories a day. And it should be limited to high-fat, high-cholesterol foods. With each meal you also eat ½ of a grapefruit. The theory is that when the enzymes in the grapefruit bind with the high-fat high-cholesterol foods, it will make your body burn fat.
I definitely do NOT recommend this type of diet for anyone. Any weight loss on a diet like this is going to be due to the calorie restriction. And once the calorie restriction ends, your weight will pop right back up. In the meantime, this reduced caloric intake could have serious health dangers.
Another mistake I often see is overly-optimistic expectations. Weight gain doesn’t happen overnight. And it’s not going to be lost overnight either.
That’s why it really troubles me when I have a patient who starts doing everything right and “only” loses 7 or 8 pounds in a month. That’s a big win in my eyes. In just ten months they could lose 70 or 80 pounds.
Which is enough to really change someone’s life.
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But they often decide it’s not working fast enough. Next thing I know they give up.
As far as I’m concerned, if you are losing any weight at all, you are moving in the right direction. And here’s something even better to think about. Slow weight-loss is more likely to keep the pounds off for years to come. But quick weight-loss is usually only temporary.
So let’s talk about some things you can do to start your journey… and make it stick.
Weight loss isn’t a “diet.” It’s a choice.
But if you don’t know what the healthiest choices are, it can make the journey difficult. Should you count calories, carbs or fats?
Truth is you don’t really have to count anything. You just need to know which foods promote good health and how much of them to eat. There’s no weighing, measuring or calculating involved. It’s as simple as this:
- Avoid white carbohydrates. Most white carbs are starchy and high on the glycemic index. They sap your energy and leave you feeling hungrier than you were to start with. And they’re a huge problem when it comes to the obesity epidemic. They will include breads, sugars, rice, flour, cookies, chips, white potatoes, pasta, crackers and cereals. And they should not be a part of your life.
- Eat as many colorful fruits as you want. Got a sweet tooth? Replace those cookies, candies, cakes and pastries with nature’s own sweetness. Blueberries, strawberries, oranges, bananas, kiwi fruits, grapes (and more!) are all delicious treats that can satisfy your sugar cravings. Eat them as snacks or deserts. You can even top them off with natural coconut whipped cream. Just put a can of coconut milk in the fridge overnight. When you open it, drain the water off the top and whip up the solid coconut cream with your beaters. Add a pinch of natural stevia to sweeten it up even more.
- Fill your plate with veggies. When you sit down for lunch or dinner, the bulk of your plate should be filled with vegetables. The green leafy variety is my favorite… broccoli, cabbage, kale, spinach, turnip greens and so forth. But squash, asparagus, eggplant, carrots and zucchini all have their place. For dinner, buy a variety and cut them up for a stir-fry. Just heat a little olive oil. Toss in some garlic, onion and green (red, yellow or orange) pepper along with the veggies. You can top it with a little chicken or beef. At lunchtime, a mixed green salad drizzled with olive oil and lemon is always a good choice.
- Don’t forget your protein! Fish is best, but cage-free chicken and grass-fed beef, pork or lamb is okay too. Just don’t use any breading or batters on any of them. A little salt, pepper and garlic will season them up beautifully. I suggest a “palm-sized” portion of protein with your meals. That doesn’t mean hand-sized. Palm-sized means the meaty portion of your hand… and it doesn’t include the fingers.
- Read your labels. When you buy any packaged food – whether it is a canned soup, a bottle of orange juice or a Lean Cuisine frozen dinner – read the nutrition label and ingredient list! Here’s what to avoid…
a. High sugar content
b. Hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils (trans fats)
c. Corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup
d. Monosodium glutamate, hydrolyzed vegetable protein and corn oil
As far as foods go, this is pretty much what you need to know. But there’s another big factor in reaching your weight loss goals, and that comes down to motivation. Or maybe I should call it mindset. In other words, are you REALLY ready to start your journey?
Let’s take a look at some motivating factors…
When you are battling with your weight it’s easy to wish for an overnight miracle. But that’s not reality. Keep in mind every pound you lose is a step in the right direction. Five pounds a month equals a 60 pound weight loss each year. And 10 pounds a month can reduce your weight by a whopping 120 pounds in just 12 months.
That means setting your mind to a goal, sticking with it and never giving up. You’re either all in or not. (I’m voting for all in!)
Here are some motivators that can really help you out.
First, go for the buddy system. If you have someone in your life that is overweight, they need your help as much as you need theirs. By teaming up, weighing in regularly and sharing food diaries you can support each other in your weight-loss goals.
Second, give yourself some rewards. I don’t recommend caloric rewards. That’s when you feast out on a favored “bad” food for reaching a goal. Instead, choose healthier options. Sign up for a healthy cooking class at the 20 pound mark. Go for a much-needed massage when you’ve hit a 50 pound loss. Plan a Caribbean or European vacation when you reach your goal weight.
Third, challenge yourself by entering a contest. Everybody likes to win. And while it’s not the quarter of a million dollar prize you might get on The Biggest Loser, there are some new weight loss challenges being offered on the internet that are pretty interesting. And they’re pretty basic. You just bet that you will reach your goals. If you do, they pay you the big bucks.
One of the most popular of these websites right now is They have pay-outs if you lose 10% of body fat, reduce your BMI, or put together a team of 5 people who lose the most amount of weight over a specified period of time.
And by the way, did I forget to mention moving your body? Walk, run, dance, ride your bike or invest in a WII-fit. Any movement you add to your life will help melt those pounds away.