Like Miracle Grow for Your Brain

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

May 27, 2019

It seems that as the years go by, more and more of my patients are complaining of “brain-drain”. And these days, it seems like it has almost reached epidemic proportions.

So many of these relatively healthy patients feel as if they’re slogging through their days, and the symptoms are all pretty consistent.

They easily lose their train of thought. It’s hard to concentrate. Important data flies out of their brains before they can complete a sentence. It feels like they need a nap to break through the haze… but naps only seem to make it worse.

And it’s not just the older folks. These brain fatigued patients stretch across the entire age spectrum.

It’s easy to imagine the worst. Is it early onset dementia, chronic fatigue syndrome or some other hard to treat disorder?

That’s not usually the case.

After a full workup, I often find no medical reason for their inability to maintain clarity and focus.

But that doesn’t mean these folks can’t boost their brainpower.

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I have several recommendations that have worked successfully to help my patients regain their mental stamina in a matter of days. So if you’re experiencing similar problems, pay close attention.

But that doesn’t mean these folks can’t boost their brainpower.

I have several recommendations that have worked successfully to help my patients regain their mental stamina in a matter of days. So if you’re experiencing similar problems, pay close attention.

One of the first things I suggest to my mentally sluggish patients is to get a full 8 hours of sleep each night.  To achieve this, it’s very important to go to bed the same time each night and wake up at the same time every day.

That’s not much of a surprise, is it? You probably already knew that.

But what you do once you wake up will knock your socks off. And you probably won’t like it a single bit. However, it’s absolutely critical to your mental health.

Instead of lounging around sipping a cup of tea or coffee for an hour or so each morning stand up, head outdoors and get moving!

Morning exercise is one of the best things you can do to prime your mental stamina for the day. It helps you feel more alert in the morning hours – and enhances healthy sleep patterns later in the evening by supporting a healthy circadian rhythm.

Plus, it boosts levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). This protein encourages the growth of new neurons and enhances synaptic activity, so your brain can make the right connections more easily and readily. It’s like Miracle Grow for the brain!

When you exercise in the morning, levels of BDNF are elevated for the next eight hours or so. And during this elevation, both short-term working memory and executive function go into overdrive.

Even better, if you take a few, short exercise breaks throughout the day, it adds even more power to your brain cells.

I personally recommend taking a brisk walk or participating in high intensity workout intervals directly after each meal. That’s because physical activity right after you eat doesn’t just boost BDNF. It also helps lower after-meal blood sugar spikes that mess with your mental vitality.

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And speaking of meals…

Brain Foods for All Day Mental Stamina

Your brain requires a constant supply of fuel to fire on all cylinders, all day long. And there are certain foods and nutrients that can energize those all-important brain cells.

Organic blueberries stimulate the flow of blood and oxygen to your brain. Just 200 grams of blueberries can potentially boost your performance and concentration for five hours or more.

Green tea contains a treasure trove of antioxidants associated with improved memory, attention, clarity and brain function.

Leafy greens can slow brain aging by about 11 years. All it takes is a single serving each day.

Omega-3 fatty acids found in wild-caught fish help reduce brain shrinkage, strengthen neuron communication, reduce beta-amyloid and increase blood flow to the brain.

Curry is loaded with a powerful antioxidant called curcumin that improves mood, memory and attention abilities. And over the long term, daily curcumin intake can reduce the systemic chronic inflammation that can affect your brain.

Plus, curcumin can reduce amyloid and tau accumulation in the amygdala and hypothalamus. These two regions control memory, emotions and decision-making processes that are necessary for day-to-day living.

If you don’t like curry you can always opt for a curcumin supplement like the one sold by Uniscience Group.  Look for one that is standardized to 90 to 95% total curcuminoids and includes bioperine, a black pepper extract that substantially increases its bioavailability.

The important thing is to give your brain the exercise – and foods – it needs to operate at full function.


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