By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness
October 18, 2019
Energy… strength… stamina… vitality… enthusiasm…
These are all words you probably associate with youthfulness. And if they still describe you, that’s great! You’re doing something right.
But if words like weariness, weakness, disinterested and exhausted may seem more fitting… Then your body’s energy factories might be aging faster than they should.
You see, about 90% of the energy needed by your body comes from tiny little power plants in your cells called mitochondria. They’re what fuel every cell in your body with energy.
But as you age, mitochondria become damaged and their output lessens. They mutate and begin to malfunction. Eventually, they can no longer produce the energy necessary to do their job.
When this happens, you start feeling older than you should. Health issues like heart disease, decreased strength, stroke, and memory problems start to crop up.
Next thing you know, youth becomes a distant memory.
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Well, how would like to make your old cells function at a younger level again?
It’s entirely possible… and not nearly as hard as you would expect.
Make Your Old Cells Young Again
If your mitochondria are the key to your body’s energy, you’ll want to produce as many of these tiny little power plants as you can. Right?
In order to do that, you need an anti-aging gene called SIRT1…
This gene is the “master regulator” of mitochondrial replication. So when it’s activated, it helps your body produce more mitochondria and keeps your cells powered up to youthful levels.
There are a few ways to keep your SIRT1 firing at full force so you have enough mitochondria to power your body.
First, you can consume natural antioxidants like resveratrol and pterostilbene. Resveratrol, commonly found in dark chocolate and red wines, is known for its anti-aging properties.
Second, make sure your body is producing enough of an enzyme called NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide). This enzyme is absolutely crucial to both SIRT1 and mitochondria!
It could make the difference between describing yourself as “young and vibrant” versus “old and listless.”
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Your body naturally produces less NAD as you age, so SIRT1 loses the ability to do its job. Communication between cells gets scrambled, and mitochondria lose their ability to produce energy.
In short, you age faster… signs of disease start rearing their ugly heads.
So, what can you do to keep your NAD levels high enough as the years go by – so you have youth and vibrancy throughout your lifetime?
Three Supplements to Reverse Rapid Aging
There are two ways to boost your NAD levels. And both of them work extremely well.
One way is with calorie restriction. This basically means cutting your calories by at least 20%. It works great to kick NAD and SIRT1 into action. But not everyone can manage to stick with it.
Thankfully, there’s an easier way.
All you have to do is supplement with vitamin B3. Different names for B3 include niacin, niacinamide, and nicotinamide. These are all precursors to NAD… your body can’t make it without them.
I recommend you take the following on a daily basis to make your old cells young again:
- At least 50 mg of resveratrol
- 25 mg of pterostilbene
- 125 to 500 mg of Vitamin Look for one that contains niacin, niacinamide or nicotinamide (ribose or monocleotide).
These supplements will also help raise your energy levels and protect from age-related health issues.
Now, you may get a niacin flush to start. That’s why I recommend beginning with 50 -100 mg daily. Then, add an additional 100 mg each week until you reach 500 mg. If you have problems with the flush, take an 81 mg coated Bayer aspirin and it should help.
Finally, 13-16 hours of intermittent fasting will help your body get rid of malfunctioning mitochondria through a process called autophagy.
Then, simple exercise will jumpstart the creation of new mitochondria – those tiny cell power plants – so the cycle of health can continue.
Ungvari Z, et al. Mitochondrial protection by resveratrol. Exerc Sport Sci Rev. 2011 Jul;39(3):128-32.
Cheng Y, et al. SIRT1 activation by pterostilbene attenuates the skeletal muscle oxidative stress injury and mitochondrial dysfunction induced by ischemia reperfusion injury. Apoptosis. 2016 Aug;21(8):905-16.
Cantó C, et al. Targeting SIRT1 to improve metabolism: all you need is NAD+? Pharmacol Rev. 2012 Jan; 64(1): 166–187.
Imai S, et al. It takes two to tango: NAD+ and sirtuins in aging/longevity control.
NPJ Aging and Mechanisms of Disease. 2016 Aug; no.16017.
Wang Y. Molecular Links between Caloric Restriction and Sir2/SIRT1 Activation. Diabetes Metab J. 2014 Oct; 38(5): 321–329.
Longo VD, et al. Interventions to Slow Aging in Humans: Are We Ready? Aging Cell. 2015 Aug; 14(4): 497–510.