It’s Essentially a Fat Thing

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

May 14, 2021

Fatty acids make fat. But that’s not a bad thing.

There are good fatty acids that you need for energy metabolism. This is critical when your body burns fat as an energy source. Plus, fatty acids give your body the ability to absorb fat-soluble vitamins and nutrients. Fatty acids are absolutely necessary for your body to survive.

The good fats are called essential fatty acids. Why are they essential? Because your body can’t make them. You have to get them from the foods you eat.

There are other fatty acids that you don’t want to have. They’re bad for you. Trans fats are at the top of the list. They have added hydrogen atoms in them. This extends their shelf life. But it’s the worst type of fat you can eat.

They decrease good HDL. Worse, trans fats increase small, dense LDL particles – the ones that damage your blood vessels and cause both plaque buildup and blockages. That’s not good for your cardiovascular health.

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Ultimately, there is no such thing as a safe trans fatty acid.

But you should definitely get plenty of the fatty acids that have the really good benefits; the omega-3 and the omega 6-fatty acids. These are missing those hydrogen atoms and can work wonders for your health.

Let’s Get Essential

When I do a skin exam on new patients I can tell if they’re not getting enough fatty acids. Their skin is going to be dry.

And sometimes I find if these people don’t eat fish, they’ll have something called Keratosis pilaris. These are the little bumps on the triceps area, at the back of the arm.  There are things that will get rid of the physical signs and symptoms. But they don’t fix the underlying problem, which is not getting enough essential fatty acids.

Omega-3s are great. They’re anti-inflammatory.  They keep the lining of the arteries smooth. They reduce blood pressure and help with good HDL.

They keep platelet aggregation down to a minimum, so that you have less of a chance of blood clots. And I think that’s interesting, because taking fish oil with curcumin before getting an injection could potentially lessen the risk of a clot.

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I use omega-3 fish oil to decrease people’s triglycerides. And it has a massive effect. You give these people 1300-1500 mg a day of a good fish oil and you’re going to reduce their triglycerides.

Bringing down triglycerides is especially important in NAFLD patients. One of my treatments for NAFLD is to cut down on corn syrup and anything like that – and increase their level of omega-3s to reduce fat and inflammation.

Omega-3s are good for your retina. So you have better eyesight. If you eat sardines, herring and oily fish like mackerel you’re getting enough omega 3s, and you have less of a macular degeneration risk.

They’re also good for your skin, hair and hearing, and help with cognitive decline, depression and anxiety.

That’s a lot of great things from a single nutrient, isn’t it?

The best source of omega-3s is fish, particularly fatty fish and small fish. Flaxseed oil is good too, but not as great as fish. And if you don’t like fish, you can always use a fish oil supplement.

It’s a Balancing Act

Your body needs omega-6 fatty acids too. But in a much lower quantity. When your omega-3s and omega-6s are unbalanced, your body will be more inflamed. That’s because omega-3s are basically anti-inflammatory while omega-6s are inflammatory.

And it’s a problem. Today a large number of people are getting a lot more omega-6 fatty acids than omega-3s. You can blame fried foods, margarine and the vegetable oils that are found in almost all processed and packaged foods.

At the same time, the commercial meat available to us has a much higher level of omega-6 than it used to. That’s because it’s cheaper to feed livestock grains instead of letting them roam to eat grass. So when you eat meat that’s not grass-fed, you’re getting even more omega-6s.

But if you balance things out by getting your omegas from natural and healthy sources, inflammation shouldn’t be a problem.

So it’s really a good idea to avoid those packaged foods, fried foods and margarines and commercial meats. Instead, and get your omega-6s from natural sources. Extra virgin olive oil, avocados, walnuts, sunflower oil and chia are all high in these good fatty acids.

And remember! Always try to buy grass-fed meat, wild-caught fish and organic produce.


Di Pasquale MG. The essentials of essential fatty acids. J Diet Suppl. 2009;6(2):143-61.

Shearer GC, et al. Fish oil — how does it reduce plasma triglycerides?. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2012;1821(5):843-851.

SanGiovanni JP, et al. The relationship of dietary omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid intake with incident age-related macular degeneration: AREDS report no. 23. Arch Ophthalmol. 2008;126(9):1274-1279.