Author Archives: Advanced Natural Wellness

3 Easy Steps to Healthier Digestion

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

May 05, 2014

Are You Suffering From...

  • Love handles and a pot belly
  • Romance that isn't what it used to
  • Forgetfulness and inattention
  • Low (or no) strength and endurance
  • A sex drive that's shifted into neutral...or worse

If may have Mature Male Burnout.  Click here to discover more about this unique condition and what you can do about it.

  • The little-known cause of gas, bloating and indigestion
  • How antacids and other common remedies may be doing more harm than good
  • Say goodbye to gastrointestinal nightmares with 3 easy steps

I have patients who find themselves breezing through their day, when all of a sudden one poor decision results in a digestive disaster. Continue reading

Stop This Hidden Cause of Inflammation

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

May 02, 2014

The World's Quickest Solution for Ending Prostate and Urinary Misery

This has recently been revealed to be one of the only real breakthroughs in prostate health.

The seeds of a strange fruit (sometimes called "Chinese Apples") hold powerful phytonutrients that are a revolution in prostate health.

In fact, UCLA and Veterans Administration research have now proved this to be true.

Not only that, but it may be the worlds quickest solution for ending prostate misery.

Simply stated, these phytonutrients represent a huge step beyond beta sitosterol, saw palmetto, and other phytosterols alone.

Simply click HERE if you want to have fast prostate relief...restful, uninterrupted more constant "urges to go"...enhanced virility...and optimal prostate support for life.

  • The underlying cause of today’s biggest health threats
  • Are you eating the right omega fatty acids?
  • 5 ways to fight the inflammatory battle… and win!

When patients come into my office for their check-ups, they usually have pretty specific health concerns on their minds. Continue reading

Supercharge Your Body’s Natural Fat-Burner

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

April 30, 2014

Are You Suffering From...

  • Love handles and a pot belly
  • Romance that isn't what it used to
  • Forgetfulness and inattention
  • Low (or no) strength and endurance
  • A sex drive that's shifted into neutral...or worse

If may have Mature Male Burnout.  Click here to discover more about this unique condition and what you can do about it.

  • Burn more than twice the calories
  • Keep your metabolic fire burning 24 hours a day
  • More ways to jump start the fat-burning process

When it comes to your weight, your metabolism can be your worst enemy. But, when you know how to kick it into overdrive, it can also be your best friend. Continue reading

Start Now for a Summer-Perfect Body

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

April 23, 2014

Are You Suffering From...

  • Love handles and a pot belly
  • Romance that isn't what it used to
  • Forgetfulness and inattention
  • Low (or no) strength and endurance
  • A sex drive that's shifted into neutral...or worse

If may have Mature Male Burnout.  Click here to discover more about this unique condition and what you can do about it.

  • Drop that winter weight gain before summer
  • Foods that kick your metabolism into overdrive
  • Double your fat loss with this

This past winter has been one of the worst in history. And it may be showing up in your waistline. Continue reading

A Little Sunshine Does a Heart Good

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

April 21, 2014

The World's Quickest Solution for Ending Prostate and Urinary Misery

This has recently been revealed to be one of the only real breakthroughs in prostate health.

The seeds of a strange fruit (sometimes called "Chinese Apples") hold powerful phytonutrients that are a revolution in prostate health.

In fact, UCLA and Veterans Administration research have now proved this to be true.

Not only that, but it may be the worlds quickest solution for ending prostate misery.

Simply stated, these phytonutrients represent a huge step beyond beta sitosterol, saw palmetto, and other phytosterols alone.

Simply click HERE if you want to have fast prostate relief...restful, uninterrupted more constant "urges to go"...enhanced virility...and optimal prostate support for life.

  • Are you still hiding from the sun?
  • How the sun’s rays keep your blood flowing
  • Soak up some sunshine for a healthier heart

Now that spring is here, a lot of folks are going to start slathering on the sunscreen and heading outdoors to enjoy some long-awaited sunshine. Continue reading

Natural Pain Relief for Just About Everything

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

April 16, 2014

The World's Quickest Solution for Ending Prostate and Urinary Misery

This has recently been revealed to be one of the only real breakthroughs in prostate health.

The seeds of a strange fruit (sometimes called "Chinese Apples") hold powerful phytonutrients that are a revolution in prostate health.

In fact, UCLA and Veterans Administration research have now proved this to be true.

Not only that, but it may be the worlds quickest solution for ending prostate misery.

Simply stated, these phytonutrients represent a huge step beyond beta sitosterol, saw palmetto, and other phytosterols alone.

Simply click HERE if you want to have fast prostate relief...restful, uninterrupted more constant "urges to go"...enhanced virility...and optimal prostate support for life.

  • The OTC pain-reliever that could send you to the ER
  • Why it’s so easy to accidentally overdose on this drug
  • Natural relief for your aching head, joints and muscles

If you have a headache, backache, cold, flu or achy muscles, it’s easy to reach into the medicine cabinet for some Tylenol or Advil. Over-the-counter (OTC) pain-relievers like these can bring instant relief. And, we’ve been taking them since we were kids. Continue reading

Cholesterol Lies Revealed

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

April 14, 2014

The World's Quickest Solution for Ending Prostate and Urinary Misery

This has recently been revealed to be one of the only real breakthroughs in prostate health.

The seeds of a strange fruit (sometimes called "Chinese Apples") hold powerful phytonutrients that are a revolution in prostate health.

In fact, UCLA and Veterans Administration research have now proved this to be true.

Not only that, but it may be the worlds quickest solution for ending prostate misery.

Simply stated, these phytonutrients represent a huge step beyond beta sitosterol, saw palmetto, and other phytosterols alone.

Simply click HERE if you want to have fast prostate relief...restful, uninterrupted more constant "urges to go"...enhanced virility...and optimal prostate support for life.

  • What’s REALLY going on with your cholesterol?
  • Why LDL isn’t nearly as harmful as you’ve been told
  • Easy ways to protect your heart without statins

These days it seems like everyone over the age of 40 is concerned about his or her cholesterol level. Continue reading

Sleep Away the #1 Culprit Behind Alzheimer’s

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

April 11, 2014

The World's Quickest Solution for Ending Prostate and Urinary Misery

This has recently been revealed to be one of the only real breakthroughs in prostate health.

The seeds of a strange fruit (sometimes called "Chinese Apples") hold powerful phytonutrients that are a revolution in prostate health.

In fact, UCLA and Veterans Administration research have now proved this to be true.

Not only that, but it may be the worlds quickest solution for ending prostate misery.

Simply stated, these phytonutrients represent a huge step beyond beta sitosterol, saw palmetto, and other phytosterols alone.

Simply click HERE if you want to have fast prostate relief...restful, uninterrupted more constant "urges to go"...enhanced virility...and optimal prostate support for life.

  • Preventable risk factors account for almost half of all Alzheimer’s disease cases
  • Monumental scientific breakthrough recognizes one single factor cleanses the brain of toxic molecules
  • 4 ways to flip on your “brain-cleaning switch”

A lot of my patients are baby-boomers. And these days, most of them are doing everything they can to make sure they don’t “end up” like their parents. Continue reading

#1 Tip to Beat Sneaky Weight Gain

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

April 07, 2014

The World's Quickest Solution for Ending Prostate and Urinary Misery

This has recently been revealed to be one of the only real breakthroughs in prostate health.

The seeds of a strange fruit (sometimes called "Chinese Apples") hold powerful phytonutrients that are a revolution in prostate health.

In fact, UCLA and Veterans Administration research have now proved this to be true.

Not only that, but it may be the worlds quickest solution for ending prostate misery.

Simply stated, these phytonutrients represent a huge step beyond beta sitosterol, saw palmetto, and other phytosterols alone.

Simply click HERE if you want to have fast prostate relief...restful, uninterrupted more constant "urges to go"...enhanced virility...and optimal prostate support for life.

  • This surprising substance may be fueling the obesity epidemic
  • The top two reasons sugar substitutes fail at their job
  • How to keep your life sweet, fizzy and calorie-free

In a recent issue of Advanced Natural Wellness I alerted you to the dangers of consuming too many corn byproducts. These unhealthy food additives are often hidden in foods that you’d never expect to find them in. And they don’t do anything good for your health. Continue reading

Men: Don’t Let This Rogue Hormone Hijack Your “T”

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

April 04, 2014

  • Why testosterone problems plague men
  • Don’t let this female hormone dominate your body
  • Look and feel like a real man again

We men didn’t have it easy in our younger years.

The World's Quickest Solution for Ending Prostate and Urinary Misery

This has recently been revealed to be one of the only real breakthroughs in prostate health.

The seeds of a strange fruit (sometimes called "Chinese Apples") hold powerful phytonutrients that are a revolution in prostate health.

In fact, UCLA and Veterans Administration research have now proved this to be true.

Not only that, but it may be the worlds quickest solution for ending prostate misery.

Simply stated, these phytonutrients represent a huge step beyond beta sitosterol, saw palmetto, and other phytosterols alone.

Simply click HERE if you want to have fast prostate relief...restful, uninterrupted more constant "urges to go"...enhanced virility...and optimal prostate support for life.

In our teens, testosterone made our lives miserable. Our siblings and school friends made fun of us when hair sprouted under our arms and on our chests. Even worse, it’s what made our voices squeak intermittently and sent our nether regions standing at full attention when we least expected it. Continue reading