By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness
May 7, 2018
- Low T: More than a problem in the bedroom
- The problem with testosterone replacement therapy
- 4 herbs to boost testosterone levels
If you suffer from low testosterone, it could be affecting much more than your performance in the bedroom. Low T is associated with energy loss, decreased muscle mass, mood swings and all sorts of other things that can make any man feel miserable.
To make matters even worse, testosterone deficiency may also contribute to the development of many chronic medical conditions – sometimes multiple chronic health conditions – in men 20 years of age and older. This is especially true if you’re between 20 and 40 years of age, or over 60.
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In particular, your blood pressure, triglycerides and risk of cardiovascular disease all go up with low T. Your chances of arthritis, diabetes, stroke and depression also rise. And the probability that you will experience two or more of these health problems at the same time goes up considerably.
Considering that about one out of ever four men over 30 is estimated to have low testosterone levels, this is extremely alarming news.
But prior to taking any drastic measures – such as opting for testosterone replacement therapy – let me fill you in on a few things you should know about first. Continue reading →