Category Archives: Brain Health

how to boost brainpower, grow your brain, tips and tricks to keep healthy brain, beta amyloid plaque, symptoms of alzheimers, boost mental clarity

Top 5 Things to Keep Your Brain Young

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

September 4, 2017

  • Alzheimer’s starts much earlier than you think
  • Why Big Pharma can’t protect you from mental decline
  • Bigger brains are less likely to develop Alzheimer’s

Most people don’t worry about dementia until they start experiencing mental difficulties. This is a big mistake.

You see, diseases like Alzheimer’s start building long before symptoms appear. In fact…

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beetroot juice, exercise, benefits of exercise, superfood drink, nitric oxide, how to reverse brain aging

Strange Juice to Make Your Brain Young Again

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

June 7, 2017

  • The #1 thing your brain needs to stay fit and young
  • Why do exercisers have bigger brains?
  • Dynamic duo could rejuvenate aging brains

If you want to keep your brain fit and young, there’s one thing it absolutely must have… an excellent supply of oxygen-rich blood. Without it, your brain will start to shrivel up and lose its cognitive function.

But when you boost blood flow to the brain, it delivers all of the blood and nutrients you need ward off brain shrinkage. Great blood flow also cuts your chances of developing amyloid plaques and tangles associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

Now, there are two great ways to get more blood to your brain. Continue reading

power of the mind, sharpen the mind, new brain activities to keep young mind, active brain, how to keep your brain youthful, sharpen brain, brain activity, new mental exercises for better clearer thinking

A Fun Way to Sharpen Your Brainpower

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

May 1, 2017

  • Losing your mental edge? Try this.
  • Boosting your brainpower is child’s play
  • Play like you mean it!

As we age we often forget to flex our mental muscles. It becomes much easier to trust in experience than it is to investigate new possibilities and create new challenges. (After all, you know that if you keep doing things the way you always have, you’ll likely get the results you expect.)

However when you continue to do the same things over and over again… when you quit exploring, analyzing and absorbing the data around you… your brain starts to wither.

The problem here is pretty simple. Continue reading

sugar substitutes, effects of sugar on body and overall health, how sugar and sugar-free products effect the brain

The Best Sugar Substitute Available Today

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

April 5, 2017

  • Are sugar-free beverages your best choice?
  • How no-calorie sweeteners sabotage your gut
  • Raise your glass high… and drink to your health

Swapping your sugary soda for a sugar-free iced tea or diet cola might sound like a smart decision. But drinking beverages labeled “sugar-free” won’t do anything to help you lose weight, prevent diabetes or make you healthier.

You see, most sugar-free drinks contain artificial sweeteners.

These “fake” sugars elicit the same response from your body that real sugar does. But they don’t provide any calories. There’s not an ounce of energy in them. This tricks your taste buds – and your body – into thinking a big dose of sugar is on its way. Continue reading

drugs affect thinking and brain activity, how medicine affects your mental and cognitive abilities, anticholinergic drugs

Are You Medicating Your Way to Dementia?

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

February 13, 2017

  • These brain-draining medications could send you to the hospital
  • Benadryl, Unisom, Xanax, Zyrtec and more…
  • Protect your memories by learning your anticholinergic burden

When it comes to medications, there are plenty of terms that you probably use on a regular basis.

You might tell a friend that you need an antibiotic for an infection. Perhaps you’re on a statin drug to lower cholesterol. If you’ve got allergies, chances are good that you reach for an antihistamine.

But I’ll bet the word “anticholinergic” has never made it to your vocabulary. Continue reading

improve concentration and focus, eliminate brain fog with good diet and foods, alert, attentive, trouble not following or remembering

3 Foods to Banish Brain Fog

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

January 27, 2017

  • Can’t stay focused?
  • Foods that boost focus and concentration
  • 3 more foods to banish brain fog

Don’t you just hate it when you’re trying to do something and just can’t stay focused on it? Your mind wants to go everywhere except where YOU want it to go.

And then you have those weird moments where you can’t remember a name, address or phone number… even though they normally come naturally to you. They’re as familiar to you as your own face.

Well, this is something that happens to all of us on occasion. But it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re experiencing serious memory problems. Instead, you could be putting the wrong foods in your mouth.

That’s right. What you ate for breakfast, lunch or dinner – not to mention all of those between-meal snacks – could be affecting the way your brain thinks. Continue reading

neuroscience, neuroplasticity, how to regain memory, exercise brain, brain power, regain intelligence

Weird Trick to Get Your Memory Back

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

November 9, 2016

  • Are “senior moments” a part of the aging process?
  • Mental workout powers up your brainpower
  • Another shortcut to a sharper and more flexible brain

Is your brain starting to play tricks on you?

I’m talking about those little glitches that keep you from remembering the name of a co-worker or the title of a song you’ve been listening to since you were a teenager. You knew it yesterday so why can’t you remember it today?

Well, your brain can be a tricky thing. Some memories seem to stick to it like glue. Others come and go as they please. A few might even feel like they’re leaking out faster than your brain can store them.

You may attribute these brain slippages to age, calling them a “senior moment”. But I’ll bet you know plenty of people older than you who are still sharp as a tack. So are these mental hiccups really age-related?

Not necessarily. Continue reading

reverse aging, reverse alzheimers, improve memory

Reverse Damage to Your Aging Brain

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

July 15, 2016

  • Reverse damage to your aging brain
  • More mitochondria means more brainpower
  • Three nutrients that fuel your brain

In last issue, I introduced you to Dr. Bredesen’s MEND protocol.

This amazing treatment regimen is the first to show memory loss, cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease are all reversible. This is true even in patients who carry the APOE4 gene – a variant that puts them at greater risk of Alzheimer’s.

It’s a personalized program that deals with much more than the brain. That’s because everything going on in your body affects your brain chemistry. This includes the foods you eat, the way your genes are expressed and even the condition of your mitochondria. Continue reading

human neurology, reverse brain age, improve brain activity, reverse alzheimers

Groundbreaking News: You CAN Reverse Alzheimer’s

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

July 11, 2016

  • Reverse Alzheimer’s and boost brain volume
  • No drugs, psychiatric care or side effects
  • Dementia-busting tips you can put to use immediately

Today, there is no medical cure for Alzheimer’s disease. So the true story I’m about to tell you brings a great deal of promise to anyone hoping to revitalize their brainpower.

You see, a 66-year old man with well documented early Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment signed up for a very unique program.

When he started, the volume of his hippocampus (which is critical in consolidating daily information from short term memory to long term) was smaller than 83% of men his age. He also had reduced glucose utilization, which is indicative of Alzheimer’s. Additionally, he carried the APOE4 gene variant, which placed him at greater risk for the disease. Continue reading

brain-drain, brain shrinkage, antihistamines shrink brain, allergy and sinus effects on brain, allergy medication, allergy & sinus medication effects on memory

Allergy Meds Shrink Brain

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

June 29, 2016

  • Over-the-counter allergy meds linked to Alzheimer’s and dementia
  • Are antihistamines shrinking your brain?
  • Here’s how to relieve allergy symptoms… without losing brainpower

I don’t think I know a single person who has never taken an antihistamine. In fact, the use of these over-the-counter drugs is so commonplace that it’s easy to forget that they come with serious side effects.

One of the worst, by far, is their link to the development of Alzheimer’s and dementia. Continue reading