Category Archives: Live Longer Lose Weight

Trans Fat’s Sneak Attack

By Bonnie Jenkins, Advanced Natural Wellness

It’s no secret that trans fat is the worst kind of fat for your health. And yet, according to the FDA, more than 40 percent of the food on grocery store shelves contains trans fat. What makes this synthetic fat so dangerous is that it has been linked to increased LDL (bad) cholesterol and reduced HDL (good) cholesterol levels. And it’s hiding in places you might not expect. Continue reading

Avoid Portion Distortion

By David Blyweiss, M.D.

If stepping on the scale lately sends you into shock, you may be looking for ways to lose some of that excess weight. In my next bulletin, I ’ll share my four-step plan for lasting weight loss. But no matter which weight loss plan you try, one critical secret of success is portion size. Research shows that Americans often underestimate how many calories they are consuming each day by as much as 25 percent. And that can add five, 10, 15 pounds or more in the blink of an eye. Continue reading

Low Glycemic Index Diet

By Bonnie Jenkins, Advanced Natural Wellness

Every January, just like clockwork, our thoughts seem to turn to weight loss. And, every January, many of us look for a shortcut – something that will make quick and easy work of those excess pounds.

Over the past few years, the glycemic index (GI) looked like it was the magic bullet we had been looking for. This system ranks foods according to how much they raise blood sugar (glucose) and was first developed as a tool to help people with diabetes control their blood sugar. Now, it’s squarely in the public mainstream: low-GI diet books crowd bookstore shelves, many diet plans have “low-glycemic” variations, and Australian supermarkets even have foods labeled with their GI ratings. Continue reading

Postmenopausal Health

By Bonnie Jenkins, Advanced Natural Wellness

There are a lot of great things about being a woman over 50. For most of us, the kids are grown and gone – allowing us to explore roads not traveled in our younger years. For some, that means a change in careers or learning a new skill. Others learn to be self-sufficient. Still other women discover a latent creativity that brings joy and meaning to life. Continue reading

Secretagogues or HGH Supplements

By David Blyweiss, M.D.

There has been much debate over whether we should use secretagogues to stimulate the pituitary gland or whether we should supplement with HGH.

Is aging inevitable? For years, anti-aging clinics have claimed to help patients feel younger by simply replacing the hormones that normally decline with age. And it has become big business. People with more money than sense have flocked to these clinics for daily or weekly shots of human growth hormone (HGH) and testosterone. They’ve spent thousands on bio-identical hormone supplements like DHEA. The problem with these high-priced tactics is that there is no proof that replacing hormones really helps to keep you young. And it may even cause harm. So why do people take the risk? Continue reading

Skinny Fat

By David Blyweiss, M.D.

Normal weight obesity: it sounds like an oxymoron, but it’s not. Even if you look like you fall within a normal weight range, you can still have weight-related health issues. Surprised? Most people are. But new research points out that it’s not enough to look at the bathroom scales or your body mass index (BMI) to determine the status of your health. Levels of body fat also need to be monitored. Continue reading

Benefits of Exercise

By Bonnie Jenkins, Advanced Natural Wellness

The benefits of exercise are so good that it’s one of the many things in this world that you can become addicted to. But, exercise is an addiction I wish more people “suffered” from.

Exercise has a lot to recommend it. In the short-term, a good workout boosts brain chemicals (called endorphins) that improve your mood. Exercising also burns calories and helps avert weight gain – which is critical as we get older. Continue reading

The Longevity Supplement

By Bonnie Jenkins, Advanced Natural Wellness

You know I’m a big fan of omega-3 fatty acids. After all, this healthy type of fat promotes brain and heart health, regulates mood, reduces inflammation, boosts your energy levels and may even help to prevent certain types of cancer. It’s no wonder I sound like a broken record when I tell you to eat more fish and take supplemental omega-3s. Continue reading