Category Archives: Men’s Health

Protect Your Prostate

By Dr. David Blyweiss

As a man, I’m looking forward to a long and healthy life. But there are some aspects of aging that can be unpleasant. I’m talking about the real possibility of an enlarging prostate. The sad fact is that 50 percent of all men will experience an enlarged prostate—a condition known as benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH)—by the time they hit their 60th birthday. That statistic shoots up to nearly 90 percent of men over age 80! Continue reading

Lower PSA with Pomegranate

By David Blyweiss, M.D.

If you’re a man of a certain age, you’re probably familiar with your PSA score. PSA stands for prostate-specific antigen, a marker for prostate cancer. Many men, along with their doctors, actively look for ways to keep a lid on PSA levels. Now, a clinical trial shows that lowering levels might be as easy as drinking a glass of pomegranate juice. Continue reading

Prostate Cancer Treatment

By Bonnie Jenkins, Advanced Natural Wellness

If you’re a man who has ever gotten a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening, you know it’s a “must-have” test for guys over 50. But there’s a debate that’s been raging for years over the test’s ability to save lives. And now, two opposing studies have muddied the waters on the value of this routine test even more – leaving American men wondering if the test is really worth taking. Continue reading

Bring Your Prostate Down to Size

By David Blyweiss, M.D.

One of the top complaints I hear from most of the men over 60 who come into my office is how often they need to go to the bathroom. It turns out that, more often than not, they are beating a path to the nearest restroom because of an enlarged prostate, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Continue reading

The Problematic Prostate

By David Blyweiss, M.D.

You have to get up several times in the night to trek to the bathroom. During the day you continually feel the call of nature and always keep an eye open for the nearest men’s room. Sound familiar? Welcome to benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH. While BPH isn’t linked to prostate cancer and doesn’t raise your chances of getting cancer, the symptoms for both can be similar. Continue reading