By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness
August 10, 2018
- Hypertension damages more than your heart
- Is high blood pressure messing with your brain?
- 3 simple ways to lower your blood pressure
You already know that uncontrolled high blood pressure is bad for your heart.
It creates microscopic tears in the walls of your arteries. These tears eventually turn into rough scar tissue where sticky fats, plaques and cholesterol tend to accumulate. This, in turn, leads to blockages, narrowing of the arteries and arterial stiffness.
Are You Suffering From...
- Love handles and a pot belly
- Romance that isn't what it used to
- Forgetfulness and inattention
- Low (or no) strength and endurance
- A sex drive that's shifted into neutral...or worse
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Once this occurs blood flow is reduced even further. And your heart has to pump harder and harder to get blood to all of your organs.
This means high blood pressure doesn’t just place your heart at risk. Continue reading