Tag Archives: cause of stomach pain

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Is a Leaky Gut Making You Sick?

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

July 30, 2018

  • Why aren’t autoimmune diseases getting more attention?
  • Leaky gut syndrome may be destroying your health
  • 5 ways to restore gut health to prevent (and reverse!) autoimmune disorders

Autoimmune diseases are continuing their rise these days. However, they don’t get nearly the same amount of attention as heart disease, diabetes or cancer.

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Well let me fill you in on a few facts.

  • Somewhere around 16.5 million U.S. adults have coronary heart disease.
  • It’s estimated that 15.1 million people here in America are living with cancer.
  • 23.4 million American adults are dealing with type 2 diabetes.

These are horrible numbers. And we hear about them all of the time. But the number of people with autoimmune disease may be much higher than any of these very real threats to your health. Continue reading