Tag Archives: detox

Is it WHAT You Eat or HOW You Eat?

By James Lemire, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

To kick off the New Year, Dr. Lemire is sharing his “5 R’s for optimal health.” The 5 R’s are the foundation of the program he uses at his clinic. And they offer a unique approach to helping you live a happier, healthier and longer life.

January 13, 2014

Are You Suffering From...

  • Love handles and a pot belly
  • Romance that isn't what it used to
  • Forgetfulness and inattention
  • Low (or no) strength and endurance
  • A sex drive that's shifted into neutral...or worse

If so...you may have Mature Male Burnout.  Click here to discover more about this unique condition and what you can do about it.

  • How eating your “favorite” foods has not served you up until now
  • Meats and sweets… pies and fries and the consequences
  • No more gas, bloating, constipation and indigestion

Today we’re going to talk about your diet.

But don’t go all weak-kneed on me now! We’ve made it this far together and you are almost half-way toward accomplishing your “pie in the sky” New Year’s resolution. Continue reading

5 Detox Secrets for a Happier and Healthier Life

By James Lemire, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

To kick off the New Year, Dr. Lemire is sharing his “5 R’s for optimal health.” The 5 R’s are the foundation of the program he uses at his clinic. And they offer a unique approach to helping you live a happier, healthier and longer life.

January 06, 2014

The World's Quickest Solution for Ending Prostate and Urinary Misery

This has recently been revealed to be one of the only real breakthroughs in prostate health.

The seeds of a strange fruit (sometimes called "Chinese Apples") hold powerful phytonutrients that are a revolution in prostate health.

In fact, UCLA and Veterans Administration research have now proved this to be true.

Not only that, but it may be the worlds quickest solution for ending prostate misery.

Simply stated, these phytonutrients represent a huge step beyond beta sitosterol, saw palmetto, and other phytosterols alone.

Simply click HERE if you want to have fast prostate relief...restful, uninterrupted sleep...no more constant "urges to go"...enhanced virility...and optimal prostate support for life.

  • Is your body a toxic waste dump?
  • Most effective way to remove heavy metals from your system
  • 5 detox secrets for longevity

Have you made some serious changes in your life by cutting some pretty evil foods from your diet? Sugar, HFCS, artificial sweeteners, wheat, MSG and genetically modified foods are no longer your friends. Continue reading