Tag Archives: GABA and anxiety

worry, fear, concern, anxiety, gaba levels, natural supplements to control or calm nerves

4 Natural Ways to Relieve Anxiety

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

September 26, 2018

  • Why dangerously addictive drugs aren’t your best defense against anxiety
  • The neurotransmitter that changes the way you interpret fear
  • 4 completely natural (and effective!) ways to relieve anxiety

Constant anxiety can be overwhelming. It’s one of those emotions that can grab hold of you, then never seem to let go.

And there are so many things that can cause it!

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Money woes, problems at work, health concerns, the death of a loved one and other troubling personal events top the list. But it doesn’t stop there. Headlines are riddled with news of natural disasters, shootings and other events that often lead to mass casualties.

These “life events” can leave you in a constant state of anxiety and fear. You might even think about asking your doctor for an anti-anxiety drug like Xanax.

Before you do that, consider this: Continue reading