Tag Archives: how to cut back on meat

: is it okay to eat meat, how much meat should I eat, how to cut back on meat, is meat bad for me, meatless Monday, how to get more veggies in my diet, why should I eat less meat, what kind of meat is healthiest

How Much Meat Should You Eat?

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

January 29, 2018

  • There’s nothing wrong with including meat in your diet
  • How much meat should you eat?
  • 6 ways to slash meat intake without sacrifice

There is no doubt that fruits and vegetables are good for you. I just wrote about all of the great health benefits they offer in the January 26th issue of Advanced Natural Wellness.

But that has left a few meat-lovers grumbling at me. “Doc! What do you have against meat!” they exclaim. Most people who don’t eat animal protein do so because of personal issues surrounding the ethics of it as well personal health issues, for example their cardiovascular health a la the Ornish diet.

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The truth is (and despite popular belief) I don’t actually have a problem with meat. I’m just as likely to enjoy a sensible sized portion of juicy steak as the next guy. However, I do have an issue with meat that comes from 

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