Tag Archives: how to make my bones stronger

Spinal Fracture and traumatic vertebral injury medical concept as a human anatomy spinal column with a broken burst vertebra due to compression or other osteoporosis back disease on a white background

5 Powerful Tips to Avoid Broken Bones

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

November 30, 2016

  • You’re never too young to protect your bones against breaks and fractures
  • Why calcium alone isn’t enough
  • Here’s my secret formula to prevent fractures

When I talk to younger and middle-aged patients about shoring up their bone density, they often look at me with confusion. “But doc, I’m only 52. I don’t have to worry about that for years!”

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What most folks don’t realize is that your bones reach maximum strength and density around age 30. After that, bone mass gradually starts breaking down.

You won’t notice it at first. You’ll still feel strong and be able to do the same things you’ve always done… right up until the minute you experience a break or fracture!

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