Tag Archives: how to prevent anxiety

Odd Way to Treat Anxiety…and it Works!

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

June 17, 2019

A day doesn’t go by that I don’t see patients worrying themselves sick.

They are concerned about their health… their finances… their safety. Add in family-related issues, work problems, traffic, some mishap with an insurance bill and did I mention traffic?  It seems like so many of them are waiting for the other shoe to drop…for that third thing to happen to finish up their week.

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We all have our emergency biochemical systems in place to deal with life’s stressors on a short-term basis. Yet today more people than ever are experiencing anxiety disorders. A poll conducted by the American Psychiatric Association last year found that almost 40% of Americans felt more anxious than the previous year. And the most recent reliable count is that anxiety affects about 40 million adults here in the U.S each year; 30% of children and adolescents will meet criteria for an anxiety disorder, yet 80% never get help.

There are a lot of theories going around. A number of experts blame social media and “the fear of missing out”. Others claim it’s instant access to all of the bad news, shocking visuals and doomsday scenarios that plague the internet. Add on an increasingly nutrient and sleep deprived population. Continue reading