Tag Archives: low t

Watch Out for These Hidden Testosterone Bandits

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

October 24, 2014

  • Men: Are these chemicals castrating you?
  • Place yourself in the driver’s seat
  • … And get your T on!

As we men age, our testosterone levels take a beating.

The World's Quickest Solution for Ending Prostate and Urinary Misery

This has recently been revealed to be one of the only real breakthroughs in prostate health.

The seeds of a strange fruit (sometimes called "Chinese Apples") hold powerful phytonutrients that are a revolution in prostate health.

In fact, UCLA and Veterans Administration research have now proved this to be true.

Not only that, but it may be the worlds quickest solution for ending prostate misery.

Simply stated, these phytonutrients represent a huge step beyond beta sitosterol, saw palmetto, and other phytosterols alone.

Simply click HERE if you want to have fast prostate relief...restful, uninterrupted sleep...no more constant "urges to go"...enhanced virility...and optimal prostate support for life.

It starts in our mid-30s. That’s when production of this manly hormone begins to decline. But something else happens, too. Every day we’re exposed to toxins that mimic estrogen. These chemicals increase our estrogen stores, while decreasing testosterone even further. Continue reading

Men: Don’t Let This Rogue Hormone Hijack Your “T”

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

April 04, 2014

  • Why testosterone problems plague men
  • Don’t let this female hormone dominate your body
  • Look and feel like a real man again

We men didn’t have it easy in our younger years.

Are You Suffering From...

  • Love handles and a pot belly
  • Romance that isn't what it used to
  • Forgetfulness and inattention
  • Low (or no) strength and endurance
  • A sex drive that's shifted into neutral...or worse

If so...you may have Mature Male Burnout.  Click here to discover more about this unique condition and what you can do about it.

In our teens, testosterone made our lives miserable. Our siblings and school friends made fun of us when hair sprouted under our arms and on our chests. Even worse, it’s what made our voices squeak intermittently and sent our nether regions standing at full attention when we least expected it. Continue reading

MEN: Sometimes testosterone isnt your biggest challenge

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

May 27, 2013

The World's Quickest Solution for Ending Prostate and Urinary Misery

This has recently been revealed to be one of the only real breakthroughs in prostate health.

The seeds of a strange fruit (sometimes called "Chinese Apples") hold powerful phytonutrients that are a revolution in prostate health.

In fact, UCLA and Veterans Administration research have now proved this to be true.

Not only that, but it may be the worlds quickest solution for ending prostate misery.

Simply stated, these phytonutrients represent a huge step beyond beta sitosterol, saw palmetto, and other phytosterols alone.

Simply click HERE if you want to have fast prostate relief...restful, uninterrupted sleep...no more constant "urges to go"...enhanced virility...and optimal prostate support for life.

  • The #1 indicator of cardiovascular disease in men
  • Sometimes testosterone isn’t your biggest challenge
  • The REAL secret to reviving your manhood – and your heart!

Everybody knows that chest pain and shortness of breath are symptoms of heart disease – or worse, a heart attack. But there’s another indicator that you might not be aware of. And if you’re a man, it can predict your risk of a cardiovascular disease, stroke or heart attack 2 to 3 years in advance. Continue reading

Is Your Low T Spiraling Out of Control?

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

April 29, 2013

Are You Suffering From...

  • Love handles and a pot belly
  • Romance that isn't what it used to
  • Forgetfulness and inattention
  • Low (or no) strength and endurance
  • A sex drive that's shifted into neutral...or worse

If so...you may have Mature Male Burnout.  Click here to discover more about this unique condition and what you can do about it.

  • Why “total” testosterone doesn’t count
  • How statin drugs are sapping your manhood
  • Testosterone-boosting tips every man needs right now

One thing all men worry about as we age is our testosterone levels. Continue reading

The T-Connection Part 3: Fire Up your Mojo and Beat Aging

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

January 23, 2013

The World's Quickest Solution for Ending Prostate and Urinary Misery

This has recently been revealed to be one of the only real breakthroughs in prostate health.

The seeds of a strange fruit (sometimes called "Chinese Apples") hold powerful phytonutrients that are a revolution in prostate health.

In fact, UCLA and Veterans Administration research have now proved this to be true.

Not only that, but it may be the worlds quickest solution for ending prostate misery.

Simply stated, these phytonutrients represent a huge step beyond beta sitosterol, saw palmetto, and other phytosterols alone.

Simply click HERE if you want to have fast prostate relief...restful, uninterrupted sleep...no more constant "urges to go"...enhanced virility...and optimal prostate support for life.

  • Is sick, tired and weak in your future?
  • How low-T affects your brain, bones and longevity
  • Reclaim your health… and your manhood

If you’ve kept up with the past few issues, you may just now be realizing how vital testosterone is to your long term health and well-being. Continue reading

Men: Clearing Up the Confusion about Low T and Your Heart

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

March 2, 2015

Are You Suffering From...

  • Love handles and a pot belly
  • Romance that isn't what it used to
  • Forgetfulness and inattention
  • Low (or no) strength and endurance
  • A sex drive that's shifted into neutral...or worse

If so...you may have Mature Male Burnout.  Click here to discover more about this unique condition and what you can do about it.

  • The problem with synthetic testosterone replacement therapy
  • Naturally boost your T to avoid these health problems
  • 3 ways to kick testosterone production into high gear

Over the past couple of years, there have been plenty of headlines linking testosterone replacement therapy to cardiovascular problems. Now, a new study has caused the headlines to change their tune. Suddenly, everyone is talking about how this type of therapy can help decrease the risk of heart attack or stroke. Continue reading