Tag Archives: should I let my cold run it’s course

My Grandma’s Secret Recipe against Colds

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

November 23, 2018

Now that we’re in late fall, the common cold is running rampant. And every day – several times a day, in fact – I am hearing the same question over and over again.

“Doctor B, what can I take to get rid of this horrible cold?”

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They want to know which over-the-counter cold and cough medicine I recommend. Some of them want me to call in a prescription for antibiotics, thinking that it might help them recover more quickly.

The first thing I do is remind the patients asking for antibiotics that these drugs are only for bacterial infections. They do nothing to stop or cure viral infections like a cold or flu.

And as far as OTC cold remedies are concerned, they don’t speed up the healing process either. They just mask the symptoms. Plus, some of the ingredients found in them are pretty bad for you. Continue reading