Tag Archives: weight and Alzheimer’s

Shrink Your Waistline to Grow Your Brain

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

February 4, 2019

There are a lot great reasons to maintain a healthy weight. I hear about many of them from my own patients.

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  • “I want to look hot again!” says the pudgy 32-year old single mom.
  • “I’m sick of dealing with these damned sugar problems,” declares an overweight middle-age patient with diabetes.
  • “With all the huffing and puffing I do just to get out of my chair, I’m afraid I’ll have a heart attack or something,” frets an obese gentleman in his 60’s.
  • “My knees are killing me,” complains a chubby young executive.

But in all of my years as a physician, there is one extremely important reason to lose weight that has never shows up on my radar. I’ve never heard a single patient say they wanted to drop those extra pounds to protect their cognitive abilities or ward off dementia. Continue reading