Tag Archives: what are phthalates

Shampoo, Soap Bar And Liquid. Toiletries, cancer-causing, parabens

5 Personal Care Products Lurking in Your Bathroom

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

May 11, 2016

•    What’s hiding in your shampoo, deodorant, soap and shaving cream?
•    Watch out for these common estrogen mimics
•    How to keep hormone-busting chemicals out of your personal care products

When it comes to your health, your bathroom is one of the most dangerous rooms in your house. And it’s not the germs from your toilet bowl that I’m talking about.

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Rather, it’s all of those personal care products you have in your hiding in your medicine cabinet, filling your shower rack and littering your bathroom counter. Soaps, shampoos, deodorants, lotions, shaving cream… they all present a bigger threat to your health than you would imagine.

Sure, all of that stuff makes you smell great and look good. But have you ever read the labels on some of those products?

If so, I’ll bet you found a lot of words you can’t pronounce, let alone spell. And many of those long, tongue-twisting ingredients come with horrible side effects.
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