Tag Archives: what is the worst kind of cholesterol

Statins: Good Medicine or Multibillion Dollar Swindle?

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

July 19, 2019

I am annoyed at headlines that shout about how so many more people could “benefit from taking statins”…that it should be put in the water supply even.

Even worse, are the ones that declare doctors are falling down on the jobs by not prescribing more of them. “Physicians fail to offer statins to more than half of eligible patients,” screams one headline.

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I am equally disenchanted by the number of patients who THINK they should be taking a statin drug to get rid of all of their “bad” cholesterol.

In fact, ask anybody you know what they think the biggest threat to their heart is. I’ll bet almost every single one of them will say high cholesterol. Continue reading