Tag Archives: why are my arteries clogged with normal cholesterol

how to avoid clogged arteries, how to help unclog blood vessels, arterial health, how to take good care of your heart, cholesterol tests, LDL, HDL, must have lipoprotein tests

2 Overlooked Cholesterol Tests You Must Get

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

September 12, 2018

  • Why do people with normal cholesterol levels have heart attacks?
  • It’s not the cholesterol, it’s the lipoproteins!
  • Two urgent “cholesterol” tests most doctors never perform

You hear about it all the time. The friend or co-worker with perfect cholesterol readings and normal blood pressure… who appears to be in the greatest of health… then lands in the hospital with chest pain.

The next thing you know, they’ve been operated on for one or more blockages and are suddenly considered a “heart patient”.

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This type of thing isn’t all that unusual. In fact, somewhere around 75 percent of patients hospitalized for a heart attack have normal levels of cholesterol.

Why are so many people with normal cholesterol levels having heart attacks? And, could you be next? Continue reading