Tag Archives: why does my pinky finger feel numb

why does my elbow hurt, causes for elbow pain, tennis elbow, golfer elbow, how to ease or cure elbow pain

4 Causes of Elbow Pain (And What to do about it!)

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

June 14, 2017

  • A painful elbow doesn’t necessarily mean you have “tennis elbow”
  • How to identify repetitive strain injuries
  • When your funny bone isn’t so funny

When people come into my office with unexplained aches, pains or numbness in one elbow or another, they often describe their condition as “tennis elbow”.

And in many cases, they’ve looked this term up on the internet to set their own treatment schedule, only to find that it’s not working.

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The reason is pretty simple. Not all aches and pains of the elbow are the same. So if you’re treating yourself for tennis elbow, you may be aggravating another condition that’s causing your elbow pain.

With this in mind, let’s take a look at some things that could be at the source of your elbow pain. Continue reading