Tag Archives: why is everybody drinking apple cider vinegar

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Salad Dressing or Health Remedy?

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

February 10, 2017

  • Health benefits of apple cider vinegar are overstated
  • One health issue where this pungent vinegar really works
  • The best way to take your apple cider vinegar

In “Natural Remedies” issue of Advanced Natural Wellness, one of my recommendations was to take a tablespoon of vinegar to find out if your heartburn is caused by too much stomach acid, or too little. (If the pain disappears, it means you’re not producing enough hydrochloric acid.)

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This is a great test. But as one of my readers pointed out, it comes with an unusual problem. You’re stuck with a full bottle of apple cider vinegar that you have no idea what to do with!

Now, if you do an internet search, you’ll see all sorts of crazy claims about vinegar. I’m here to let you know that most of them probably aren’t true. As far as I’m aware, there are no human studies showing it lowers cholesterol, cuts your risk of heart disease, protects against cancer or staves off arthritis. Continue reading