The Resolution Report: Issue #4

January 13, 2012

By David Blyweiss, M.D.

In This Issue:

  • Filling the gap between what food delivers and what your body needs
  • The 5 supplements you would want on a deserted island
  • How to support your supplements

Don’t Leave Home Without Them…

In a time long, long ago, in some perfect world (perhaps of our imagination), we got every vitamin and nutrient we needed from our food. We didn’t fear eating anything toxic or bad for us. We got enough sun every day, plenty of clean water. Kids didn’t talk back to their parents. And the tooth fairy was generous and always remembered to come in the middle of the night.

OK… you can wake up now!

MD Exposes the Hidden Danger to Your Eyes

When your eyesight starts to fail, it's a real problem. Suddenly you can't go to the grocery store... you can't get to the doctor if you have an emergency... you can't meet your friends for dinner…

Your "regular" doctor doesn't have time to keep up with the latest research. And the same goes for eye doctors. They go to school to learn how to fit you for glasses and contacts, but have no way of preventing the damage and loss of eyesight that threatens your freedom and independence.

Let me show you something that explains a LOT about how your eyes work.

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While it’s true you can get many of your health requirements handled by eating the right diet, I doubt this historical nirvana ever existed. I suspect that humans have always experienced gaps between what they could get from their food and environment, and what they needed to thrive. Does the word “famine” ring a bell?

As much as I rail against biased – or just plain bad – science, there’s no denying that our ability to accurately assess what we’re missing, and replace it with supplements, is a gift of science that I celebrate every day.

This fourth issue of my Resolution Report Series will focus on the most common gaps we face in our diet, and how to best use supplements to fill them…

If you called me and said you expected to be stranded on a desert island for the rest of your life, and asked me what supplements you should bring, here’s what I would say:

1) A good multi-vitamin… start with the basics
First, you’ll want a solid multi-vitamin that carries all the water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins you need, such as A, D, E, K and the B’s. No iron necessary, because adults generally don’t need additional iron on a regular basis, and too much iron can be dangerous.

If you find a multi that also contains a generous helping of antioxidants, take it. Research has shown that antioxidants help cells remain healthy, and even has anti-aging benefits. Look for a multi-vitamin with flavonoids, polyphenols and botanicals…or add a separate antioxidant to your desert island supplement list.

2) A good probiotic… because nothing else works until your gut does
It doesn’t matter how well you eat or how many supplements you take if your gut isn’t working right. Without the proper bacteria and enzymes in the lining of your digestive tract, you could be eating like a king…and still starving for basic nutrition. In fact, sadly, this is all-too-common among older and elderly adults.
Look for a probiotic that contains several varieties of Lactobacillus, such as Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Lactobacillus casei. You also want a product that contains several types of Bifidobacteria, a colon colonizer. These may include Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium breve and Bifidobacterium infantis.

Are You Suffering From...

  • Love handles and a pot belly
  • Romance that isn't what it used to
  • Forgetfulness and inattention
  • Low (or no) strength and endurance
  • A sex drive that's shifted into neutral...or worse

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Hint #1: Be sure to refrigerate your probiotics if they come refrigerated…if the bacteria isn’t alive when you take it, there’s not much point. Also, there are those probiotics now formulated without refrigeration to work just as effectively at room temperature. Read the label carefully.

Hint#2: When checking the actual number of bacteria, look for at least 5 billion colony forming units (cfu) per dose. And here is a commonly overlooked number: how many cfu’s will there be at time of product expiration, not at the time of manufacture. You don’t want to wind up with a minimally effective probiotic a few weeks after purchase.

3) Essential fatty acids… for better Omega 3/6 balance and less inflammation
Often described as “the good fat,” EFA’s (Essential Fatty Acids) help bring your ratio of Omega 3/6 back into balance. As a general rule, Americans are 6-heavy and 3-deficient. The result is a near-epidemic of chronic immune disorders that involve inflammation.

No need to overdo it on this recommendation, since balance is key. Choose EFA’s from fish oil over plant-based options. Fish oil has the added benefit of containing brain-supporting docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and heart healthy eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). If you regularly eat fish, you can take a lower dose than someone (like me) who doesn’t.

Hint #1: You should also keep fish oil in the refrigerator. It can easily oxidize in warm environments, which works against your best interest, not for it.

Hint #2: If you’re taking a gel cap and experience “fish burp,” keep them in the freezer instead and be sure to take it with a meal.

4) Vitamin D… for immune support
OK, granted, if you are stranded on a very sunny desert island and will be lounging about in your bathing suit sipping Mai Tai’s the rest of your days…you might not need this. But for everyone else, additional Vitamin D supplementation is absolutely critical. Most of us require 12 times more than the amount normally included in a multi-vitamin. I recommend 5000 IU a day, as much as 10,000 IU daily if a blood test shows you are deficient.

Study after study is showing how critical Vitamin D is for the immune system, and how precious little of it we’re getting from its greatest source…the sun. The conspiracy of sunscreen, less outdoor time and few food sources has taken its toll.

5) CoQ10… cell food extraordinaire
CoQ10 is like a cup of coffee for your cells every morning. It boosts your energy, and delivers a massive antioxidant hit. When you were under 25, you had no shortage of CoQ10, and didn’t need any supplementation. But if you are over 40, and you aren’t already taking it… start today. You’ll be amazed at the difference you feel in your energy.

When shopping, opt for your CoQ10 in the form of Ubiquinol. It is a reduced form of CoQ10 that is super bioavailable – so gives you more bang for your buck. To increase absorption even more, take it with a meal and/or with your fish oil.

Combining good food choices with the right supplement habits is the best way to ensure you are getting optimal nutritional support for your body.

There’s just one catch. Taking them at the right time, with the right support… not just when you remember.

Most supplements are best taken with a meal. Eating stimulates production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, a necessary ingredient for digestion. But a pill alone won’t stimulate the same response, which means the content of that pill passes right through you – and is discarded as waste. In nursing homes these are referred to as “bedpan bullets,” since most elderly patients do not take digestive enzymes or supplemental hydrochloric acid, and are even more likely to be deficient in them.

You can also look for other delivery methods for some of your supplements. There are numerous high-quality multi-vitamins available as a liquid shot. The trick is to find the most bioavailable and gut-friendly form of any supplement you choose to use.

And last but not at all least… read the label. Make sure you know how to store your supplements to keep them fresh, the dosage, the fillers and other ingredients, and whether you are allergic to any of them.