The COVID Virus Mutated… Now What?

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

January 29, 2021

You might remember an article I posted a few weeks ago.  I talked about the current COVID-19 virus and how it was likely to mutate into a more contagious version.

Well, guess what?

That’s EXACTLY what happened!

We first saw this new strain of the SARS-CoV2 virus in the United Kingdom back in November 2020.  Since then, it’s spread to the United States with cases in California[1], Colorado, and now New York state[2].

Depending on when you read this, this new strain may even be in your own neighborhood.

Now, I want you to understand one important thing…

This is a natural progression for any new virus.  It will become more contagious and less severe so it can spread to as many people as possible.

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According to reports, this new strain of the COVID virus is somewhere between 50%-70% more transmissible.  Researchers have found 23 mutations and 8 of those affect the famous spike proteins on the outside of the virus.[3]

This is significant, because the new COVID-19 vaccine specifically works to mimic those spike proteins and teach your body how to fight off infection.

If the shape of the virus has changed with this new mutation, we need to start wondering whether the older vaccines will continue to work at the percentages they’ve tested out for.

And if the vaccines we have don’t work… guess what?

We’ll have to make new vaccines!

Now really, this isn’t a foreign concept.

Just look at the flu vaccines that roll out season after season.  Getting a flu shot does not always prevent you from getting the flu.  That’s because the influenza virus is constantly mutating.

It’s almost impossible to predict what it will look like ahead of the flu season.  So, researchers make their best guess and put out a vaccine that they hope will protect the most people any given year.

For example, in the 2014-2015 flu season, the vaccine was only about 19% effective against the virus.[4]

So chances are, we are looking at a future where we have multiple vaccines for this virus that are rolled out year after year.

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Now, whether or not you take these new vaccines is up to you. The most current versions of the COVID vaccine include something called polyethylene glycol, which may cause reactions in some people.

That’s why I recommend those most at risk take the vaccine, but others wait until we have a better idea of how it affects the general population.

The vaccine makes sense for certain groups of people.  If you are older in age, have lots of weight to lose, or have heart disease, you should take the vaccine.  Health care workers or those who are exposed often should also take this opportunity to protect themselves.

However, other groups may want to think twice.  If you have autoimmune disease, or if you have many allergies, this might not be a good option for you right now.

This new SARS-CoV-2 virus form is growing rapidly.  We’re seeing more transmission and also more cases of sickness for people under the age of twenty.

Really, the best way for you to protect yourself is to make your immune system as strong as possible.

Make it so that your body can resist infection.  Or, if you do become infected, make it so your body shows minimal symptoms.

For some people, they test positive and are able to brush it off.  “Oh, I just had some congestion.”  Or, “I just felt a little tired for a day or two.”

These are the folks who don’t get the dreaded cytokine storm.  They don’t experience severe symptoms which can lead to hospitalization and death.

If you want to make sure your body is ready to fight COVID naturally, here’s what I recommend.

  • Vitamin C – Take a couple of grams twice a day to help protect yourself from viral infections.
  • Vitamin D3– Take the blood test and increase your levels up to the 65-75 range…take 5,000 iu daily with repeat testing in 2-3 months.
  • B-Vitamins – B1, B5, and B6 all help your immune system operate.[5] I also recommend a sublingual dose of 1000-5000 mcg B12 three times a week for older folks.
  • Make smart food choices to support your health. Eat a rainbow diet filled with organic foods.
  • Support health gut function. Enjoy foods like kimchi, fermented vegetables, fiber-filled fruits and veggies, and kombucha to keep your gut healthy.
  • Avoid dairy, alcohol, and gluten. These foods are associated with higher risk of diabetes[6], multiple sclerosis[7], and harm to your immune system[8].

This new strain is not something to fear.  Don’t let a “fear-demic” keep you from living life. Instead, make smart decisions to protect yourself and your family.

Social distancing, masks, possibly the vaccine, and the recommendations above can all help protect you while this virus runs its natural course.


[1] LA Times, New, potentially more contagious variant of the coronavirus spreads in California, January 5, 2021, Available Online:

[2] NBC4 New York, Cuomo Confirms 1st Case of New, More Contagious UK Strain of Virus in New York, January 5, 2021, Available Online:

[3] The Conversation, Why it matters that the coronavirus is changing – and what this means for vaccine effectiveness, December 22, 2020, Available Online:

[4] Vaccine Effectiveness – How Well Does the Flu Vaccine Work? Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Last updated Oct 2017.

[5] Spinas, Enrico, et al. “Crosstalk between vitamin B and immunity.” J Biol Regul Homeost Agents 29.2 (2015): 283-8

[6] HC Gerstein. Cow’s Milk Exposure and Type I Diabetes Mellitus. A Critical Overview of the Clinical Literature. Diabetes Care. 1994 Jan; 17(1):13-9. Available here: (accessed Feb. 6, 2016).

[7] D Malosse, H Perron, A Sasco and JM Seigneurin. Correlation Between Milk and Dairy Product Consumption and Multiple Sclerosis Prevalence: A Worldwide Study. Neuroepidemiology. 1992; 11(4-6):304-12. Available here: (accessed Feb. 6, 2016).

[8] Cook, Robert T. “Alcohol abuse, alcoholism, and damage to the immune system—a review.” Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 22.9 (1998): 1927-1942.