Tag Archives: exercise

Why it’s Not a Good Idea to Slow Down With Age

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

February 14, 2022

We’ve been raised with the idea that, when we reach a certain age, we should retire. Just slow down and live the good life.

Are You Suffering From...

  • Love handles and a pot belly
  • Romance that isn't what it used to
  • Forgetfulness and inattention
  • Low (or no) strength and endurance
  • A sex drive that's shifted into neutral...or worse

If so...you may have Mature Male Burnout.  Click here to discover more about this unique condition and what you can do about it.

I think this is a problem. We’re already less active than we should be, simply due to the fact that while we know we need to be active, advances in  everything from transportation to TV remotes has allowed us to stay on our behinds. As recently as the 1800s, if you wanted to go somewhere, you walked. Or you got on your horse. You didn’t get into your car to drive one mile.

Back then, most people lived on farms. They didn’t have John Deere tractors like we do today. So they had to walk behind a horse with a plow. Continue reading

Is Exercise Aging You?

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

August 06, 2014

Are You Suffering From...

  • Love handles and a pot belly
  • Romance that isn't what it used to
  • Forgetfulness and inattention
  • Low (or no) strength and endurance
  • A sex drive that's shifted into neutral...or worse

If so...you may have Mature Male Burnout.  Click here to discover more about this unique condition and what you can do about it.

  • What we learned from our ancestors
  • Is too much exercise aging you?
  • Anti-aging can be a walk in the park

If you’re anything like my patients, the word “exercise” makes you cringe. You might feel guilty for not making more time for it. Or maybe you just dislike going to the gym or find it boring to perform repetitive movements. Continue reading

Supercharge Your Body’s Natural Fat-Burner

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

April 30, 2014

The World's Quickest Solution for Ending Prostate and Urinary Misery

This has recently been revealed to be one of the only real breakthroughs in prostate health.

The seeds of a strange fruit (sometimes called "Chinese Apples") hold powerful phytonutrients that are a revolution in prostate health.

In fact, UCLA and Veterans Administration research have now proved this to be true.

Not only that, but it may be the worlds quickest solution for ending prostate misery.

Simply stated, these phytonutrients represent a huge step beyond beta sitosterol, saw palmetto, and other phytosterols alone.

Simply click HERE if you want to have fast prostate relief...restful, uninterrupted sleep...no more constant "urges to go"...enhanced virility...and optimal prostate support for life.

  • Burn more than twice the calories
  • Keep your metabolic fire burning 24 hours a day
  • More ways to jump start the fat-burning process

When it comes to your weight, your metabolism can be your worst enemy. But, when you know how to kick it into overdrive, it can also be your best friend. Continue reading

Start Now for a Summer-Perfect Body

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

April 23, 2014

The World's Quickest Solution for Ending Prostate and Urinary Misery

This has recently been revealed to be one of the only real breakthroughs in prostate health.

The seeds of a strange fruit (sometimes called "Chinese Apples") hold powerful phytonutrients that are a revolution in prostate health.

In fact, UCLA and Veterans Administration research have now proved this to be true.

Not only that, but it may be the worlds quickest solution for ending prostate misery.

Simply stated, these phytonutrients represent a huge step beyond beta sitosterol, saw palmetto, and other phytosterols alone.

Simply click HERE if you want to have fast prostate relief...restful, uninterrupted sleep...no more constant "urges to go"...enhanced virility...and optimal prostate support for life.

  • Drop that winter weight gain before summer
  • Foods that kick your metabolism into overdrive
  • Double your fat loss with this

This past winter has been one of the worst in history. And it may be showing up in your waistline. Continue reading

Sleep Away the #1 Culprit Behind Alzheimer’s

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

April 11, 2014

The World's Quickest Solution for Ending Prostate and Urinary Misery

This has recently been revealed to be one of the only real breakthroughs in prostate health.

The seeds of a strange fruit (sometimes called "Chinese Apples") hold powerful phytonutrients that are a revolution in prostate health.

In fact, UCLA and Veterans Administration research have now proved this to be true.

Not only that, but it may be the worlds quickest solution for ending prostate misery.

Simply stated, these phytonutrients represent a huge step beyond beta sitosterol, saw palmetto, and other phytosterols alone.

Simply click HERE if you want to have fast prostate relief...restful, uninterrupted sleep...no more constant "urges to go"...enhanced virility...and optimal prostate support for life.

  • Preventable risk factors account for almost half of all Alzheimer’s disease cases
  • Monumental scientific breakthrough recognizes one single factor cleanses the brain of toxic molecules
  • 4 ways to flip on your “brain-cleaning switch”

A lot of my patients are baby-boomers. And these days, most of them are doing everything they can to make sure they don’t “end up” like their parents. Continue reading

No Pain No Gain? I don’t think so…

By James Lemire, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

January 20, 2014

The World's Quickest Solution for Ending Prostate and Urinary Misery

This has recently been revealed to be one of the only real breakthroughs in prostate health.

The seeds of a strange fruit (sometimes called "Chinese Apples") hold powerful phytonutrients that are a revolution in prostate health.

In fact, UCLA and Veterans Administration research have now proved this to be true.

Not only that, but it may be the worlds quickest solution for ending prostate misery.

Simply stated, these phytonutrients represent a huge step beyond beta sitosterol, saw palmetto, and other phytosterols alone.

Simply click HERE if you want to have fast prostate relief...restful, uninterrupted sleep...no more constant "urges to go"...enhanced virility...and optimal prostate support for life.

  • Do your workouts leave you aching?
  • My 4 favorite forms of exercise
  • Quick tip to boost your lungpower

To kick off the New Year, Dr. Lemire is sharing his “5 R’s for optimal health.” The 5 R’s are the foundation of the program he uses at his clinic. And they offer a unique approach to helping you live a happier, healthier and longer life. Continue reading

It’s Not Always the Workouts That Count

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

July 01, 2013

Are You Suffering From...

  • Love handles and a pot belly
  • Romance that isn't what it used to
  • Forgetfulness and inattention
  • Low (or no) strength and endurance
  • A sex drive that's shifted into neutral...or worse

If so...you may have Mature Male Burnout.  Click here to discover more about this unique condition and what you can do about it.

  • Are you a “constant mover” or a “workout warrior?”
  • Vigorous exercise doesn’t make up for hours spent sitting
  • How to gently move your body throughout the day

Okay, here’s a little quiz for you. Continue reading

My “Shake-It-Up” Method For Better Health

January 11, 2013

By David Blyweiss, M.D.

In This Issue:

The World's Quickest Solution for Ending Prostate and Urinary Misery

This has recently been revealed to be one of the only real breakthroughs in prostate health.

The seeds of a strange fruit (sometimes called "Chinese Apples") hold powerful phytonutrients that are a revolution in prostate health.

In fact, UCLA and Veterans Administration research have now proved this to be true.

Not only that, but it may be the worlds quickest solution for ending prostate misery.

Simply stated, these phytonutrients represent a huge step beyond beta sitosterol, saw palmetto, and other phytosterols alone.

Simply click HERE if you want to have fast prostate relief...restful, uninterrupted sleep...no more constant "urges to go"...enhanced virility...and optimal prostate support for life.

  • The best way to beat heart disease, diabetes and disability in 2013
  • Can’t exercise? Think again!
  • Kick butt with this full body workout for everyone

I get a lot of emails from my readers. And I love hearing from all of you. Whenever I can, I try and address your general questions here in the newsletter. Continue reading

It’s Time to Choose: Your Muscles or Your Mind

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

August 10, 2012

The World's Quickest Solution for Ending Prostate and Urinary Misery

This has recently been revealed to be one of the only real breakthroughs in prostate health.

The seeds of a strange fruit (sometimes called "Chinese Apples") hold powerful phytonutrients that are a revolution in prostate health.

In fact, UCLA and Veterans Administration research have now proved this to be true.

Not only that, but it may be the worlds quickest solution for ending prostate misery.

Simply stated, these phytonutrients represent a huge step beyond beta sitosterol, saw palmetto, and other phytosterols alone.

Simply click HERE if you want to have fast prostate relief...restful, uninterrupted sleep...no more constant "urges to go"...enhanced virility...and optimal prostate support for life.

  • Groundbreaking new research that will send you running to the gym
  • My new exercise recommendation
  • Strengthening safely

If there’s one thing we all know we “should” do to stay healthy, it’s exercise. Continue reading

The Resolution Report: Issue #4

January 13, 2012

By David Blyweiss, M.D.

In This Issue:

The World's Quickest Solution for Ending Prostate and Urinary Misery

This has recently been revealed to be one of the only real breakthroughs in prostate health.

The seeds of a strange fruit (sometimes called "Chinese Apples") hold powerful phytonutrients that are a revolution in prostate health.

In fact, UCLA and Veterans Administration research have now proved this to be true.

Not only that, but it may be the worlds quickest solution for ending prostate misery.

Simply stated, these phytonutrients represent a huge step beyond beta sitosterol, saw palmetto, and other phytosterols alone.

Simply click HERE if you want to have fast prostate relief...restful, uninterrupted sleep...no more constant "urges to go"...enhanced virility...and optimal prostate support for life.

  • Filling the gap between what food delivers and what your body needs
  • The 5 supplements you would want on a deserted island
  • How to support your supplements

Don’t Leave Home Without Them… Continue reading