Tag Archives: how to be a pescatarian

5 Healthy Options to a Mediterranean Diet

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

February 15, 2019

One of the first things I recommend to all of my new patients is that they transition into a Mediterranean way of eating. But not everyone is sold on the idea.

Are You Suffering From...

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Many of my first-time patients fall into this category. These are the people who come to me because they are sick, tired and run down.

The biggest problem I find with most of these patients is that they honestly think they’re already eating a relatively wholesome diet. They’re convinced that sugar free beverages, whole wheat breads and cereals, reduced-salt foods and low-fat dairy are good for them. No wonder they don’t feel good! Continue reading

best diet for permanent weight loss, what is souping, how does the souping diet work, is souping as healthy as it sounds, is flexitarian eating healthy, how to be a pescatarian, best plant-based diets,

4 Eating Habits for Permanent Weight Loss

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

April 2, 2018

  • A diet by any other name…
  • Is this popular diet trend right for you?
  • 4 eating styles for permanent weight loss

I can’t count the number of times patients have asked me about some fad diet or another. Over the years there has been the cabbage soup diet, the grapefruit diet, the apple cider vinegar diet, the juicing diet, and countless others that I can’t even remember.

These days something called “souping” – or the “souping diet” – tops the list.

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Now, this trend has become big business. Companies are bottling up thick soups in a grab-and-go form with claims that the soups will help you lose weight, purify your body, rebuild your immune system and rejuvenate your life.

Is it true? Can you really get all of these wonderful benefits by eating soup for 24 hours, two days, or five days a week?

Here’s what I tell my patients… Continue reading