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Take This Super Spice for Joint Pain

By David Blyweiss, M.D., Advanced Natural Wellness

September 5, 2018

  • Is this what’s making you sick?
  • Shut down inflammation with the “Spice of Life”
  • And give your memory a boost, too!

The underlying cause of most age-related diseases today is inflammation. It plays a prominent role in conditions such as arthritis, joint pain, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and even Alzheimer’s disease.

But here’s an unfortunate truth. Low levels of inflammation can exist in your body for years on end without you even knowing it. This puts you squarely at risk for almost every age-related disorder known to man.

This is why I often discuss the importance of eating an anti-inflammatory diet.

It’s not really all that hard to do. Just fill your meals with plenty of fresh, organic, antioxidant-rich fruits, vegetables and legumes. Add healthy fats and oils wherever possible. Enjoy wild-caught fish loaded with heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids over red meats.

These foods all have a place in your diet if you want to shut down inflammation.

But I also have a secret weapon.

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It’s a natural anti-inflammatory called curcumin. This compound is found in turmeric, the spice used to make Indian curry. And it is so potent that it’s often referred to as “the spice for life.”

Shut Down Inflammation with the “Spice of Life”

Curcumin is one of my favorite inflammation fighters. It’s a powerful antioxidant that works by blocking certain proteins, enzymes and other molecules responsible for inflammation.

It’s especially effective when it comes to blocking enzymes that produce pain. This makes it particularly helpful when it comes to treating arthritis pain and joint discomfort.

The fact is, curcumin is so successful as a pain reliever that many people who start taking it are able to discontinue the use of dangerous anti-inflammatory drugs within just a matter of weeks.

It also comes with a few bonuses.

Not only does curcumin work to shut down the pain associated with arthritis. It also helps ease morning stiffness so you can get moving around more quickly after you wake up. Some people even find that it’s helpful when it comes to reducing some of the irritating creaking and grating that often occurs during joint movement. And it does all of this without any of the devastating side effects associated with anti-inflammatory drugs

In addition to soothing your irritated joints, curcumin can work wonders to curb inflammation in your arteries. This is extremely important when it comes to protecting your cardiovascular health.

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You see, inflammation has a damaging effect on the delicate lining of your blood vessels. This eventually leads to endothelial dysfunction – a condition where the inner linings of blood vessels lose much of their ability to manage the traffic of critical blood flow to and from the heart.

This is a critical warning sign of heart disease that could result in a heart attack.

But guess what?

Curcumin can help to counteract endothelial dysfunction and improve blood flow by lowering markers of inflammation and reducing oxidative stress. And yes it does all of this without any of the devastating side effects associated with prescription heart meds.

Give Your Memory Boost, Too!

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory powers of curcumin even extend to your brain. Regular use can clear out a lot of the “gunk” that contributes to memory loss, Alzheimer’s and dementia out of your brain.

This includes things like amyloid plaques, tau and heavy metals that interfere with brain activity.

It can even improve memory in middle-aged and older adults. All you have to do is take 90 milligrams of curcumin twice a day for 18 months and it could boost your memory function by a whopping 28%! It also improves mood and attention span.

These are just a few of the benefits associated with this traditional Indian spice. It also works as well as Prozac to relieve depressive symptoms, has a favorable effect on insulin resistance and shows great promise in the fight against cancer.

If all you have to do is take a daily curcumin supplement to achieve all of these results, it’s certainly worth the effort.

Look for one that is standardized to 90 to 95 percent total curcuminoids. And make sure it includes bioperine, a black pepper extract that substantially increases bioavailability.


Daily JW, et al. Efficacy of Turmeric Extracts and Curcumin for Alleviating the Symptoms of Joint Arthritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials. J Med Food. 2016 Aug 1; 19(8): 717–729.

Usharani P, et al. Effect of NCB-02, atorvastatin and placebo on endothelial function, oxidative stress and inflammatory markers in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a randomized, parallel-group, placebo-controlled, 8-week study. Drugs R D. 2008;9(4):243-50.

Small GW, et al. Memory and Brain Amyloid and Tau Effects of a Bioavailable Form of Curcumin in Non-Demented Adults: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled 18-Month Trial. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 2017. Online Ahead of Print

Sanmukhani J, et al. Efficacy and safety of curcumin in major depressive disorder: a randomized controlled trial. Phytother Res. 2014 Apr;28(4):579-85.

Zhang D, et al. Curcumin and Diabetes: A Systematic Review. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013; 2013: 636053.

Aggarwal BB, et al. Anticancer potential of curcumin: preclinical and clinical studies. Anticancer Res. 2003 Jan-Feb;23(1A):363-98.